Blum integer

Blum integer

In mathematics, more specifically in number theory, a natural number "n" is a Blum integer if "n = pq" is a semiprime for which "p" and "q" are distinct prime numbers congruent to 3 mod 4. That is, "p" and "q" must be of the form 4"t"+3, for some integer "t". This means that the factors of a Blum integer are Gaussian primes with no imaginary part. The first few Blum integers are 21, 33, 57, 69, 77, 93, 129, 133, 141, 161, 177, ... OEIS|id=A016105

Properties of Blum integers

Given "n" = "pq" a Blum integer, "Q""n" the set of all quadratic residues modulo n, and "a" ∈ "Q""n". Then:

*"a" has precisely four square roots modulo "n", exactly one of which is also in "Q""n"
*The unique square root of "a" in "Q""n" is called the "principal square root" of "a" modulo "n"
*The function "f:" "Q""n" → "Q""n" defined by "f(x) = x2" mod "n" is a permutation. The inverse function of "f" is: "f -1(x) = x((p-1)(q-1)+4)/8" mod "n".A.J. Menezes, P.C. van Oorschot, and S.A. Vanstone, [ Handbook of Applied Cryptography] ISBN 0-8493-8523-7.]
*For every Blum integer "n", -1 has a Jacobi symbol mod "n" of +1, although -1 is not a quadratic residue of "n":
:left(frac{-1}{n} ight)=left(frac{-1}{p} ight)left(frac{-1}{q} ight)=(-1)^2=1


Before modern factoring algorithms, such as MPQS and NFS, were developed, it was thought to be useful to select Blum integers as RSA moduli. This is no longer regarded as a useful precaution, since MPQS and NFS are able to factor Blum integers with the same ease as RSA moduli constructed from randomly selected primes.


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