Austin expedition of 1854

Austin expedition of 1854

The Austin expedition of 1854 was an exploring expedition undertaken in Western Australia by Robert Austin in 1854. Other members of the party included Kenneth Brown.

The expedition explored the large lakes inland from Geraldton known as "Cow-Cow-ing", before heading north through the interior, where Mount Magnet was discovered and named. They intended to reach the coast at Shark Bay, but were driven back by heat, fatigue, lack of water, and the loss of a number of their horses at Poison Rock. They were eventually forced to return to the coast along the Murchison River.

The expedition reported large areas of land that were potentially gold-bearing, but nothing suitable for pastoral settlement.


*cite web|url=|title=Report By Assistant Surveyor Robert Austin, Of An Expedition To Explore The Interior of Western Australia|work=Journal of the royal Geographic Society Of London|date=Vol. 26, 1856 (1856), pp. 235-274|accessdate=2007-04-21

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