Hans Georg Friedrich Groß

Hans Georg Friedrich Groß

Infobox Military Person
name= Hans Georg Friedrich Groß
lived= 1860-05-04 - death date and age|1924|2|27|1860|5|4
placeofbirth= Samter
placeofdeath= Berlin

caption= Humboldt Balloon with Berson, Aßmann and Groß, drawn by Hans Groß
allegiance= flagicon|German Empire German Empire
serviceyears= 1890s–1918
rank= Major General
branch= Berliner Luftschifferabteilung
commands= Kommandeur des Königlich-Preußischen Luftschiffer-Bataillons 2 (1906–1918)

Hans Georg Friedrich Groß, (1860-05-04 - 1924-02-27), was a German balloonist and airship constructor.Luisenstadt 2008]


In the 1890s the "Verein zur Förderung der Luftschifffahrt" (an association promoting airflight founded in 1881) conducted scientific balloon ascents to study the upper atmosphere on the initiative of Richard Assmann. Hans Groß was "Premiereleutnant" of the "Berliner Luftschifferabteilung" (Berlin airship department), and as balloon pilot took part in 28 of these studies.

Hydrogen balloon plans by Groß led to the construction of the "Humboldt". This performed six ascents, two ending in non-fatal crashes; during deflation after its final landing in 1893-04-26 it exploded due to electrostatic charging and burnt. For his next balloon, the "Phönix", Groß developed a variant of the "Reißbahn" invented by John Wise in 1844. This allowed the pilot to rapidly deflate a gas balloon upon landing. The "Phönix" performed 23 manned ascents from 1893 to 1896, a total 180 hours in the air and reached a maximum altitude of 9155 metres on 1894-12-04 with Arthur Berson.


In 1895 and 1896 Groß supported David Schwarz in the development of his metal-clad airship.

In 1906 Groß rose in rank to Major and became commander of the Royal Prussian Airship Battalion Number 2. With Nikolaus Basenach in 1906 he started construction of the first German military airship, an experimental keeled semi-rigid airship. This became designated the Groß-Basenach-type and resulted in a "Versuchsluftschiff" (first flight 1907-05-07)pilotundluftschiff.de] followed by the airships "M I" (first flight 1908-06-30)Amtsblatt Löcknitz-Penkum. 05/2007] to "M IV". "M I" achieved a distance record of 300 kilometres over thirteen hours in 11 and 12 September 1907.

In 1910 he was honoured by having the street "Großstraße" in Berlin-Köpenick named after him. Groß retired from active service in 1918 with the rank of Major General.

ee also



* [http://www.loecknitz-online.de/alp/Amtsblatt/pdf/2007/05_2007.pdf Amtsblatt Löcknitz-Penkum. 05/2007] . "M-1 landet im Stettiner Haff", pages 15-16 (German) Retrieved 2008-07-08
*Luisenstadt, 2008. [http://luise-berlin.de/strassen/Bez16a/G620.htm Berlin von A-Z] . Mini biography. (German) Retrieved 2008-07-08
*pilotundluftschiff.de [http://www.pilotundluftschiff.de/Grossbasenach.htm Halbstarre Luftschiffe vom Typ Groß Basenach] . (German) Retrieved 2008-07-08

NAME = Groß, Hans Georg Friedrich
ALTERNATIVE NAMES = Gross, Hans Georg Friedrich
SHORT DESCRIPTION = German balloonist and airship constructor
DATE OF BIRTH = 1860-05-04
DATE OF DEATH = 1924-02-27

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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