Pander society

Pander society

The Pander Society is an informal organisation based in the founded in 1967 for the promotion of the study of conodont palaeontology. It publishes an annual newsletter. Although there are regular meetings of the Pander Society, at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, at European Conodont Symposia (ECOS for short), and elsewhere, any meeting of three or more "Panderers" is considered an official meeting of the "Pander Society".

The society is headed by the Chief Panderer, currently Peter von Bitter of the Royal Ontario Museum. The society confers two awards, the Pander Medal for a lifetime of achievement in conodont palaeontology, and the Hinde Medal for an outstanding contribution to conodont palaeontology by a young Panderer. The Hinde Medal is awarded by the Pander society to a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of conodont palaeontology at an unusually young age. The first recipient of the Medal was Mark Purnell to whom it was awarded at the International Conodont Symposium at Leicester in 2008.

Previous Chief Panderers

* Peter von Bitter
* Richard Aldridge
* Raymond L. Ethington
* Walter C. Sweet

Hinde Medallists

* Mark Purnell (2006)


* [ Website]

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