Muttalib ibn Abd Manaf

Muttalib ibn Abd Manaf

Muttalib ibn Abd al-Manaf (Arabic: مطلب ابن عبدالمناف‎) was one of the ancestors of the Sahaba (Muhammad's companions).



His father was Abd Manaf ibn Qusai.

Muttalib was the younger brother of Hashim ibn Abd Manaf (the great-grandfather of Muhammad). Muttalib succeeded his brother Hashim and took care of his nephew Shaiba ibn Hashim, when Muttalib returned to Mecca with his nephew people thought he was his new slave, so Shaiba became known as "Abd al-Muttalib" (servant of Muttalib) because slavery was so common and rampant at that time. When Muttalib died, Abd al-Muttalib succeeded him.

He is the progenitor of Banu Muttalib.

Further reading

  • Geraldine de Gaury, Rulers of Mecca

See also

  • Family tree of Muttalib ibn Abd al-Manaf
  • Sahaba

External links

Shia links

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