- Bunbury
Bunbury is a placename in more than one country:
Bunbury, Western Australia , the third largest city in the state.
*Bunbury, Cheshire ,England Bunbury is an administrative entity in Western Australia:
City of Bunbury , the local government area covering Bunbury's central and southern suburbs.
*Electoral district of Bunbury , a single-member electorate represented in theWestern Australian Legislative Assembly .Bunbury is also a family name:
Enrique Bunbury solo artist and former lead singer in the Spanish rock bandHéroes del Silencio .
*Richard R. Bunbury is a Cuban-born organist, choral conductor and educator in Boston.
*Edward Herbert Bunbury was a historian of Greek and Romangeography .
*Henry William Bunbury was an Englishcaricaturist .
*Henry Edward Bunbury (son of Henry W.) was a soldier.
*Alex Bunbury is a footballer.Bunbury is also a
fictional character inOscar Wilde 's play "The Importance of Being Earnest ". One might say "meta-fictional", since even in the play, Bunbury did not exist but the supposed chronic illness of this supposed friend was used as an excuse for Algernon Moncrieff to leave his current whereabouts and go and "have a good time" elsewhere without the risk of detection (seeBunburying ).Bunbury Cricket Club is a celebritycricket club that raises money for charity.1st Baron Forrest of BunburyOn 6 February 1918,
John Forrest was informed that he had been raised to theBritish peerage as Baron Forrest of Bunbury in the Commonwealth of Australia and of Forret in Fife in the United Kingdom. Despite the announcement, however, no Letters patent were issued before his death, so the peerage was not officially created..
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