Richard Felix

Richard Felix

Richard Felix was born 1949 in Stanley, Derbyshire and came to prominence as the historian on LivingTV's successful paranormal programme Most Haunted where from series two to his final episodes of Series 8 he has performed the role of folklorist and historian. In recent years, Richard has become a celebrity via media in the UK, due to his paranormal research projects. He is one of the most respected paranormal investigators in Europe today.
A successful record dealer, he served in the Territorial Army before he became involved in promoting Derbyshire's tourism and heritage industries in the early 1990s, which led to his opening of Derby Heritage Centre in 1992 which started of the ghost walk experience. He would throw murder mystery parties and it then went on to more ghost-walks and later Derby Gaol, a reputedly haunted building in Friar Gate, Derby, England. He met Antix Productions when they investigated Derby Gaol in series one of Most Haunted episodes, and was invited to join the team. Richard became one of the most popular presenters on "Most Haunted", building a cult following of viewers throughout the UK, one of which is celebrity Matthew Willis. In September 2006 Richard Felix left LIVINGtv as historian on the programme, to pursue new projects in media.

He is best known locally for his famous Derby Ghost Walks and overnight public ghosthunts at Derby Gaol, and as well as "Most Haunted" has produced a series of successful DVDs called the "Ghost Tour of Great Britain" which outline the folklore and hauntings of British counties, a DVD on investigation techniques (with CJ Romer and Ed Woods) called "A Guide to Ghosthunting".

His most popular books include 'Ghosts of Derby' (with Wayne Alexander) and a series accompanying the Ghost Tour DVD; including "Ghosts of Derbyshire" (2005). In 2007, Richard began expanding into online content, as a team member on DSN's "Soulseekers" mobisodes.

He is married with two children and still lives in Derbyshire.

External links

* [ Felix Films Ltd] Official Richard Felix DVD website and store
* [ Official Derby Gaol Website]
* [ Official Richard Felix Website]
* [ Felix Fans Website]

* [] Richard Felix on Haunted Television
* [] Official Ghost Watch Wales website
* [] Paranormal site with Richard Felix as Patron

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