- Java APIs for Bluetooth
The Java APIs for Bluetooth is a
Java Micro Edition specification for APIs that allow Javamidlet s to useBluetooth on supporting devices. The specification was developed under theJava Community Process as JSR 82. The Specification, Reference Implementation, and TCK [https://opensource.motorola.com/sf/sfmain/do/viewProject/projects.jsr82] are maintained at Motorola Open Source.Java APIs described in the JSR-82 interface for following Bluetooth Protocols/Profiles:
* SDAP - Service Discovery Application Profile
* RFCOMM - Serial Cable Emulation Protocol
* L2CAP - Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol
* GOEP - Generic Object Exchange (OBEX) ProfileJSR 82 implementations for Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) are also available.
Common Problems
When the Bluetooth Special Interest Group wrote the Bluetooth specification, they misinterpreted the requirement to reserve low ports for future use. Instead they chose to block all use of low ports. This means that any future standard service making use of the reserved ports will not work. The first example of such a service is HID. Bluetooth keyboards, mice and other input devices cannot connect to java programs running on bluetooth mobile phones because of this mistake.
Devices supporting JSR 82:
Sony Ericsson W800
*Sony Ericsson K750i
* some more Sony Ericsson devices (P900, P910 and P990 series of smartphones, W550, W600, W810, W900, K750, D750, K600, V600i, K608, Z520)
* SeeSony Ericsson Java Platform for a list of non-Symbian phones supporting JSR 82.
*Motorola IDEN phones starting with the i605.
*Motorola V360, SLVR, PEBL, ROKR E1 and other.
*Nokia phones:[http://code.google.com/p/bluecove/wiki/phones Full list compiled based on publicly available resources]
Devices not supporting JSR 82:
*Motorola V600
*Sony Ericsson Z600
*Sony Ericsson Z800
*Motorola RAZR V3
* Sony Ericsson S700
*Sony Ericsson P800
*Samsung External links
* [http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=82 JSR 82]
* [http://www.javabluetooth.com/ JavaBluetooth.com]
* [http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/JABWT/ Yahoo Discussion Group on JSR82]
* [http://www.rococosoft.com/java.html Rococo Software, a JSR82 Technology Vendor]
* [http://www.jsr82.com Articles and Discussions about Java Bluetooth and JSR-82]
* [http://www.club-java.com/TastePhone/J2ME/MIDP_Benchmark.jsp MIDP telephones benchmark]
* [http://www.benhui.net/modules.php?name=Midp2Phones Benhui's telephone capability matrix]
* [http://www.forum.nokia.com/main/1,6566,010_40_10,00.html Nokia Series-60 Capability Matrix]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/avetanabt/ AvetanaBluetooth - Open Source JSR-82 on Linux]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/bluecove/ BlueCove - Open Source JSR-82 implemantation for various bluetooth stacks on PCs and Windows Mobile devices]
* [http://marge.dev.java.net Marge - Java Bluetooth Framework]
* [http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Mobileandembedded/BluetoothResources Mobile & Embedded JSR 82 Wiki Page]
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