

:"Agria is also the Latin name of Eger in Hungary"

Infobox Greek Dimos
name = Agria
name_local = Αγριά

caption_skyline =


lat_deg = 39
lat_min = 22
lon_deg = 23
lon_min = 02
elevation_min =
elevation_max =
elevation =
periph = Thessaly
prefec = Magnesia
districts = 2
mayor =
party =
since =
population_as_of = 2001
population = 5835
area =
population_metro =
area_metro =
postal_code =
area_code =
licence = ΒΟ
website =

Agria ( _el. Αγριά) is a small coastal village in Magnesia, Greece on the Pelion peninsula about 7 km from Volos. In the summer months it becomes a popular tourist destination. The large beach at Agria and at nearby Soutrali beach are good for swimming. The chapels of Timios Stavros, Panaghia Goritsa and Panaghia Tripa, built within the rocks, are remarkable for their beauty and simplicity. At the end of July exhibitions of popular art and local dances take place. Also in the middle of summer when there is a new moon there is a celebration in honor of the fishermen "(psaradiki vradia)" where fresh kakavia (traditional fish soup) is served. The area used to have many olive groves which have now mainly been replaced by modern buildings. From October 1943 until September 1944 Agria was the home and base for operations of a company of Waffen SS field engineers, the 16th Coy SS Pz. Gren. Rgt 8.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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