The Bahagian Agama dan Kaunseling "(literal translation as Religious Division And Counselling)" or BAKA is the Muslim chaplain service of the Royal Malaysian Police.


The Bahagian Agama dan Kaunseling (meaning:Religious Division And Counselling, BAKA) from Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) (after this cited as BAKA PDRM only) realisation revenue from Laporan Suruhanjaya Penambahbaikan Perjalanan and Pengurusan PDRM or RMP Improvement Commission Travel Report And Management on May 13, 2005 who proposes that religious division established to spiritual development and police officers moral. At the same time, Psychology And Counselling Branch complied the application additional 537 designation this that have been developed to Civil Service Department on May 28, 2005. In connection with that, to meet the current needs, both Religious Division And Psychology And Counselling Branch were approved his establishment follow Designation Warrant K41 year 2007 dated 3 April 2007. As many as 1,503 designation approved where 20% from it filled by the officer with uniform (police) and all that public officer (comprised from the officer Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia, JAKIM) and JPA Counsellor. BAKA operate in Bukit Aman order, contingent, district, brigade and battalion, Marine Police Force, Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) And Police Air Wing.Every officer, staff and civil officers transferred to BAKA PDRM Bukit Aman musts report to Deputy Secretariat Chief of IGP (Religious And Counselling) at Bukit Aman And Breed Chief (Contingent, District And Formation) or officer whose delegated during ketiadaanya. Every officer, staff and officers those civil want to be converted out or absorb to any BAKA PDRM's level also need to get view and agreement from Deputy Secretariat Chief of IGP (Religious And Counselling), Bukit Aman.


Among objective that the targeted is:
# Produce the leader whose authoritative and effective;
# Formed the moral to RMP members, professional and camp;
# Ensured the RMP members increase productivity by using fully self potential positively and proactive;
# Enhanced the discipline quality based on pure work ethic and excellent;
# Cored the self development aspect and career progression awareness more positive PDRM members to generate productivity that quality;
# Identified the issues and challenge during and that will come relating with religion, psychological and counselling can be effected negetif to PDRM members;
# Find the direction and plan in the interest efforts field of religion, to benefit psychological and counselling PDRM


The BAKA Functions of the yang implemented are:
* Give the focus to efforts increase quality of life through the mastery human knowledge and development;
* Identified the education need and make talk, lecture , workshop, seminar, symposium and convention in an effort to build community with integrity grind with the value islam, by civilize counselling service to PDRM members;
* Planning, coordinate and provide individual and cluster counselling service which include (4) aspects:
# Intervention;
# Prevention;
# Recovery;
# Organization / Development

* Provide guideline and set policy contact with the practice islam and counselling service;
* Identify knowledge and appreciation level islam among RMP members;
* Planning and implement and implement psychology tests and making analysis and interpretation;
* As resource person / field of religion deep consultant, psychological and counselling;
* Provide deep education opportunity field of religion, psychological and counselling through consultant and smart partnership with other agency;
* Carry out the monitor to make sure teaching Islam, ethic and practice standards psychological and counselling abide at all levels; and
* Planning and implement programme / religious activity, psychological and counselling to every officer to enhance professionalism and PDRM's quality of service


BAKA's scope of work is:

Religious Division

* Enact preaching policy and strategy, family development, welfare and social supply member and family PDRM and mosque activities / RMP Muslim place of worship
* Set of programs preaching, family development, welfare and social supply member and PDRM's family member and mosque activities
* Planning, implement and monitoring programmes BAKA Religious Branch at all levels;
* Coordinate and monitoring preaching strategy implementation, family, welfare and mosque management / RMP Muslim place of worship;
* Ensure and plait cooperation with other agency with arrange programmes preaching, family development, welfare and social supply member and RMP family member and mosque management / Muslim place of worship RMP; and
* Make deep secretariat ceremony and official function those related with Islamic at all levels

Counselling Part

* Enact implementation of activities policy and strategy psychological and counselling supply member and family RMP;
* Provide and make study syllabus, course, seminar, workshop and programme periodically for member and PRDM's member;
* Planning, implement and monitoring programmes BAKA Counselling Branch at all levels that go according planned and follow policy, guide rules and line that prescribed;
* Regulate supervise and ensure record keeping and client inventory updated;
* Give deep consultation services psychological and counselling field when needed;
* Responsible carry out psychological testing to section exercise recruitment and selection of candidates police officer and others who thought must;
* Responsible deep carry out the test suitable supply election designate officer counselling and officer guide among officer and policeman base 'benchmarking' those set by Counselling Branch;
* Keep registrar record under Counsellor Act 1998 (Act 580) for all counsellor. Pembimbing officer with officials have been exposed training with the programme in psychological and counselling;
* Determine and plait cooperation with other agency and psychological and counselling activities;
* Evaluate and monitoring from while to during professionalism development personalia Counselling Branch.

Counselling service are given were subjected to the code to which Counsellor Ethics it provide guideline counsellor manner code in foster professional relationships with client, counsellor friends, employer, individual and profession with other his total mass.Meanwhile, Counselling Practice Standards (Standard Of Practice 1996) scratch by Psychological Service Division, PSD also used by to make sure counselling service given was professional. Stated guide is important to ensure counselling effectiveness those carried out, and at the time that also look after counsellor and client interest.

Responsibility Commanding Officer

All commanding officer must always sensitive on the welfare and masaalah that face by the officer public police and officer and take action following:
* Identify design potential and likely to face problem;
* Get help counsellor to them need him; and
* Monitoring of progress snatch especially those who has gone through counselling process.

Commanding officer should also plays a vital role to promote and mould approach of religion, management system deep psychological and counselling personal in formation respectively. Hence, established network of cooperation with BAKA need to be created. In this regard designed the:


* See all preaching policy and strategy, family development, welfare and social and mosque management / Muslim place of worship supply PDRM members is stipulated to be complied fully;
* Determine module programme preaching, family development, welfare and social and mosque management / Muslim place of worship supply PDRM members implemented effectively;
* Monitoring and ensure all program plan implemented on schedule;
* Ensure and coordinate preaching strategy implementation family development, welfare and social and mosque management / Muslim place of worship;
* Ensure all preaching, family development, welfare and social and mosque management / Muslim place of worship supply PDRM members exercised in accordance with guideline that prescribed;
* Determine form of cooperation with deep other agency arrange programmes preaching, family development, welfare, and social and mosque management / Muslim place of worship supply RMP members;
* Manage supervise day celebration official ceremony Islamic greatness and official mosques in RMP at the contingent level / district / formation; and
* Created the RMP members muslim virtuous and fulfil obligations duty ain especially build obligations pray five (5) times a day, fasting one month the Ramadhan, fulfil Zakat tithe, reading Koran and others.


* Manage and supervise team member under one ' wing respectively by more betanggungjawab and problem that face design
* Identify PDRM members and potential family member and likely to face problem
* Hold discussions or negotiations with wagra PDRM those concerning to identify problem that face and his cause. For family member also, discussion or consultation hold prior with PDRM members nearest once with the family member (husband, wife, parent, sibling) and further refer to counsellor if necessary
* If problem that face involving work side, RMP concerning please sent to attend courses or give training relating. If necessary, the member can be referred to counsellor that there in contingent / district / formation
* If problem that face involving personal problem, family and relationship interpersonal, that member need to be referred to the BAKA officer in contingent / district / formation
* Monitoring of progress achieve by that officer or his family especially design had got BAKA service
* Sensitive to alterations officer and member behavior am being imposed discipline action to harmful person or team and pay guidance service counselling if necessary
* Determine officer have approves in psychological and counselling field at the contingent level / district / formation fully utilised in granting counselling service in accordance with with the needs top leadership
* Determine breed officer dikontinjen / district / formation send activity report those carried out to BAKA Bukit Aman every month.

imilarly the KAGAT

The BAKA role is similarly the Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera (KAGAT) but BAKA only playing role to the police officers and mens as well as family.

External links

* [ Royal Malaysian Police website]

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