Plagiomnium medium

Plagiomnium medium

name = Alpine Thyme--moss

regnum = Plantae
divisio = Bryophyta
classis = Bryopsida
subclassis = Bryidae
ordo = Bryales
familia = Mniaceae
genus = "Plagiomnium"
species = "P. medium"
binomial = "Plagiomnium medium"
binomial_authority =(Bruch & Schimp.) T.J.Kop. [ [ "Species & Habitat Detail: "Plagiomnium medium"] Biodiversity Scotland. Retrieved 5 July 2008.] [ [ "Plagiomnium medium"] Retrieved 5 July 2008.]
"Plagiomnium medium", commonly known as Alpine Thyme-moss, or Medium Plagiomnium Moss is a moss found in montane habitats in the Northern Hemisphere.

Research published in 1988 showed that is a hybrid of "P. ellipticum" and "P. insigne" via an allopolyploid process, previously considered to be absent in bryophyte evolution. [Wyatt, Robert "et al" (1988) [ "Allopolyploidy in bryophytes: Multiple origins of Plagiomnium medium"] PNAS 85 pp. 5601-04. Retrieved 5 July 2008.]

In the UK it is classified as near threatened. More than 10% of all UK populations occur in the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland including sites in the Lairig Ghru and on the plateau of Lochnagar. Rothero, Gordon "Bryophytes", in Shaw, Philip and Thompson, Des (eds.) (2006) "The Nature of the Cairngorms: Diversity in a changing environment". Edinburgh. The Stationery Office. ISBN 0114973261. pp. 197-207.]


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