

A form of dialogue and co-decision making implying mutual exchange of information, open discussion and knowledge sharing, and the signature of operational agreements between public administrations (institutional concertation) and/or with representatives of the private sector (business associations, trade unions, NGOssocial concertation).Through concertation, it is possible to add political control to the general economy - following the so-calledRhineland capitalismmodel - or to reach a broader consensus on a development program design and implementation, or to finalise and enact a new laws or regulations provision, by means of the reciprocal mediation of public and eventually private interests that would certainly be conflicting, were it not for the mutual composition realised in the name of a superior purpose or entity. A known implementation of the institutional concertation is the European Unions Open Method of Coordination, while a famous example of social concertation are the Territorial Pacts for Employment.

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  • concertation — [ kɔ̃sɛrtasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1963; « lutte d athlètes antiques » 1541; lat. concertatio ♦ Polit. Le fait de se concerter. Concertation politique entre les Grands. Spécialt Politique de consultation des intéressés avant toute décision. Concertation… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Concertation — Con cer*ta tion, n. [L. concertatio.] Strife; contention. [Obs.] Bailey. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • concertation — /kon seuhr tay sheuhn/; Fr. /kawonn serdd tann syawonn /, n. (esp. in European politics) cooperation, as among opposing factions, aimed at effecting a unified proposal or concerted action. [1500 10; < F < L concertation (s. of concertatio strife …   Universalium

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  • concertation — /kon seuhr tay sheuhn/; Fr. /kawonn serdd tann syawonn /, n. (esp. in European politics) cooperation, as among opposing factions, aimed at effecting a unified proposal or concerted action. [1500 10; F < L concertation (s. of concertatio strife …   Useful english dictionary

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