

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Art = Stadt
image_photo =
Wappen = Wappen_grossenhain.pnglat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 17
lon_deg = 13 |lon_min = 33
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Sachsen
Regierungsbezirk = Dresden
Landkreis = Meißen
Höhe = 122
Fläche = 43.97
Einwohner = 15652
Stand = 2007-12-31
PLZ = 01558
Vorwahl = 03522
Kfz = Mei (old: RG, GRH)
Gemeindeschlüssel = 14 2 85 100
Gliederung = 5
Straße = Hauptmarkt 1
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Burkhard Müller
Partei = CDU

Großenhain is a Große Kreisstadt (German for major district town) in the district of Meißen, Saxony, Germany.


Großenhain was originally a Sorb settlement. It was first mentioned in 1205. [Großenhain, Steifzug durch eine sächsische Kleinstadt 2002, Gräser Verlag] It was for a time occupied by the Bohemians, by whom it was strongly fortified. It afterwards came into the possession of the margraves of Meißen, from whom it was taken in 1312 by the margraves of Brandenburg. In the middle-ages, Großenhain was one of the most powerful towns in Saxony. It suffered considerably in all the great German wars, and in 1744 was nearly destroyed by fire. On May 16, 1813, a battle took place here between the French and the Russians.


Großenhain is located on the river Röder, 30 km northwest of Dresden, and 17 km east of Riesa. It is also situated on Via Regia from Görlitz to Santiago de Compostela.



The Funke & Will AG is domiciled in Großenhain and is know for the production of Yes! Roadster.


There are two train stations in Großenhain. As "Großenhain Berliner Bahnhof" is out of service since 2002, only "Großenhain Cottbusser Bahnhof" is served by trains from Dresden to Elsterwerda, Cottbus and Hoyerswerda.

Großenhain is accessible by car via Bundesstraße 98 and Bundesstraße 101.

Famous people

*Karl Benjamin Preusker (1786-1871): Founder of the first public library in Germany (1828)
*Manfred von Richthofen (1892-1918): German fighter pilot known as "The Red Baron", was trained at the local airport
*Corinna Harfouch (*1954): German actress, passed her childhood here
*Heino (*1938): German schlager artist, passed his childhood here


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