Wassmer WA-51

Wassmer WA-51

__NOTOC__ Infobox Aircraft
name=WA-51 Pacific

type=Four-seat cabin monoplane
national origin=Frane
manufacturer=Société Wassmer
first flight=1969
primary user=
more users=
number built=154
variants with their own articles=
The Wassmer WA-51 Pacific is a French four-seat cabin monoplane designed and built by Société Wassmer.

Design and development

In 1966 Wassmer first flew the WA-50 a prototype glass-fibre single-engined four-seat cabin monoplane with a retractable tricycle landing gear. The aircraft entered production as the WA-51 Pacific with a fixed tricycle landing gear. A low wing cantilever monoplane it was powered by a nose-mounted 150hp (112kW) Lycoming O-320-E2A piston engine. A variant with powered by a 160hp (119kW) Lycoming IO-320-B1A was called the WA-52 Europa. Further refinements produced the 180hp (134kW) Lycoming O-360-A1LD powered WA-54 Atlantic.


;WA-50:Prototype with retractable landing gear, one built.;WA-51 Pacific:Production version first flown in 1969 with a 150hp (112kW) Lycoming O-320-E2A engine, 39 built.;WA-52 Europa:As WA-51 with a 160hp (119kW) Lycoming IO-320-B1A engine, 59 built.;WA-53:Proposed variant with a 125hpo Lycoming engine, not built.;WA-54 Atlantic:WA-51 with refinements and a 180hp (134kW) Lycoming O-360-A1LD engine, 55 built.

pecifications (WA-51 Pacific)

met or eng?= met

crew=1 (pilot)
capacity=3 (passengers)
length m=7.40
length ft=24
length in=3
span m=9.4
span ft=30
span in=10
swept m=
swept ft=
swept in=
rot number=
rot dia m=
rot dia ft=
rot dia in=
dia m=
dia ft=
dia in=
width m=
width ft=
width in=
height m=
height ft=
height in=
wing area sqm=
wing area sqft=
swept area sqm=
swept area sqft=
rot area sqm=
rot area sqft=
volume m3=
volume ft3=
aspect ratio=
empty weight kg=580
empty weight lb=1279
gross weight kg=1020
gross weight lb=2249
lift kg=
lift lb=

eng1 number=1
eng1 type=Lycoming O-320-E2A
eng1 kw= 112
eng1 hp= 150
eng1 kn=
eng1 lbf=
eng1 kn-ab=
eng1 lbf-ab=
eng2 number=
eng2 type=
eng2 kw=
eng2 hp=
eng2 kn=
eng2 lbf=
eng2 kn-ab=
eng2 lbf-ab=

max speed kmh=
max speed mph=
max speed mach=
cruise speed kmh= 225
cruise speed mph= 140
range km=980
range miles=609
endurance h=
endurance min=
ceiling m=4500
ceiling ft=14,760
glide ratio=
climb rate ms=
climb rate ftmin=
sink rate ms=
sink rate ftmin=


see also=
similar aircraft=


*cite book |last= |first= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title= The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft (Part Work 1982-1985)|year= |publisher= Orbis Publishing|location= |issn=|pages=
*cite book |last=Simpson |first= R.W.|authorlink= |coauthors= |title= Airlife's General Aviation|year= |publisher= Airlife Publishing|location= England |isbn=1 85310 104 X|pages=336

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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