- Erectheus
Greek mythology , Erectheus was an early king ofAthens . Early writers often identified him with either Erichthonius, who later became known as his grandfather, or with the godPoseidon , whose attributes he often shares, and whose rites on the Acropolis were similar to his. Erectheus was called 'earth-born' in theIliad , which also states that he was raised by Athena. Other later authors make him the son ofPandion andZeuxippe . Erectheus marriedPraxithea , the daughter ofPhrasimus andDiogenia . Among his many children wereCecrops ,Pandorus ,Metion ,Procris ,Oreithyia ,Chthonia , andCreusa .While Erectheus was king of Athens, a war broke out with the nearby city of
Eleusis . The Eleusians asked a Thrace,Eumolpus , for aid. Erectheus received anoracle which told him that only the sacrifice of one of his daughters would assure his victory. He killed one daughter, possiblyChthonia , causing many others to kill themselves. Some authors write that the daughters had made a pact to die together.Demosthenes , however, writes that Erectheus sacrificed several of his daughters.Creusa ,Procris , andOreithyia survived.Erectheus won the battle and killed Eumolpus. Pausanias writes that he died in the battle. However, other authors say that he was soon killed by either
Zeus orPoseidon , when Poseidon avenged his son Eumolpus' death by driving him into the earth with blows of his trident, [Euripides , "Ion,281".] or asked Zeus to kill him with a thunderbolt. In the Athebnian king-list,Xuthus , the son-in-law of Erectheus, was asked to choose his successor from among his many sons, and choseCecrops II , named for the mythic founder-kingCecrops .Notes
*Burkert, Walter, (Peter Bing, tr.) (1972) 1983. "Homo Necans" (Berkeley: University of California Press) 19
*Kerenyi, Karl, 1959. "The Heroes of the Greeks" (London and New York: Thames & Hudson).
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