Gustavo Perednik

Gustavo Perednik

Gustavo Daniel Perednik (Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 21, 1956), is a Jewish author and educator residing in Israel. Perednik graduated from the Universities of Buenos Aires and Jerusalem (cum laude) and he completed doctoral studies in Philosophy in New York and took courses at the Sorbonne (France), San Marcos (Peru) and Uppsala (Sweden). He was distinguished as outstanding lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he ran the Four-Year, Preparatory and Freshman Programs. In Jerusalem he was also director of the Institute for Jewish Leaders from Abroad and the Sephardic Educational Centre. He has published twelve books and more than one thousand articles on Judaism and Modernity, and he was guest lecturer at one hundred towns of fifty countries. He ran the Ai Tian Program for Jewish Understanding in China, and the Program for Education on the Jewish Role in Civilization. He resides with his family in the outskirts of Jerusalem.


• There at the Santanders (1980)
• [ Achitofel (1988)]
• I am a Hebrew (1989)
• Protection of Tour Thousand Years – Judaism and Ecology (1990)
• Lemech (1992)
• [ Judeophobia (2001)]
• [ Spain Derailed- Islamist Terror and the Awakening of the West (2004)]
• [ Great Thinkers (2005)]
• Outstanding Thinkers (2006)
• [ Darwin’s Silence (2006)]
• Famous Thinkers (2007)

External links

• [ Course on Judeophobia]
• [ Program for Jewish Education]

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