

name = Eleotridae
regnum = Animalia

image_caption = Graham's gudgeon, "Grahamichthys radiata"
image_width = 240px
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
familia = Eleotridae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = ~35, see text

Sleeper gobies are members of the Eleotridae fish family, found predominantly in the tropical Indo-Pacific. There are approximately 35 genera and 150 species. While many eleotrids pass through a planktonic stage in the sea and some spend their entire lives in the sea, as adults the majority live in freshwater streams and brackish waters. They are especially important as predators in the freshwater stream ecosystems on oceanic islands such as New Zealand and Hawai'i that otherwise lack the predatory fish families typical of nearby continents, such as catfish. Anatomically they are similar to the gobies (Gobiidae), though unlike the majority of gobies, they do not have a pelvic sucker. [Helfman G., Collette B., & Facey D.: "The Diversity of Fishes", Blackwell Publishing, p 264, 1997, ISBN 0-86542-256-7]

Like the true gobies they are generally small fish that live on the substrate, often amongst vegetation, in burrows, or in crevices within rocks and coral reefs. Although goby-like in many ways, sleeper gobies lack the pelvic fin sucker, and that, together with other morphological differences, is used to distinguish the two families. It is widely believed that the Gobiidae and Eleotridae share a common ancestor, and they are both placed in the order Gobioidei, along with a few other small families containing goby-like fishes. [Helfman G., Collette B., & Facey D.: "The Diversity of Fishes", Blackwell Publishing, p 264, 1997, ISBN 0-86542-256-7]

"Dormitator" and "Eleotris" are two of the most widespread and typical genera, including a variety of species that inhabit marine, estuarine, and freshwater habitats. "Dormitator maculatus" for example grows to about 1 ft (30 cm) and is widely found in brackish and shallow marine waters of the southeastern United States and Mexico. [Hoedeman, J.: "Naturalist's Guide to Freshwater Aquarium Fish", Elsevier, pp 1096-1099, 1974, ISBN 0-8069-3722-X] There are some predatory sleeper gobies that get much bigger, such as the marbled sleeper goby, "Oxyeleotris marmorata", a freshwater species from South East Asia that can grow to 2 ft (60 cm) long. [Riehl R. & Baensch H: "Aquarium Atlas" (vol. 1), p. 832, Voyageur Press, 1996, ISBN 3-88244-050-3] However, most are much smaller, such as the fresh and brackish water species from Australia like "Hypseleotris" spp., known locally as gudgeons (not to be confused with the Eurasian freshwater cyprinid "Gobio gobio", also known as the gudgeon and after which the Australian sleeper gobies were likely named). [Riehl R. & Baensch H: "Aquarium Atlas" (vol. 2), pp 1063-1073, Microcosm Ltd, 1997, ISBN 1-890087-06-8]


* Genus "Belobranchus"
** Throat-spine gudgeon, "Belobranchus belobranchus" (Valenciennes, 1837)
* Genus "Bostrychus"
** "Bostrychus africanus" (Steindachner, 1879)
** Island gudgeon, "Bostrychus aruensis" Weber, 1911
** "Bostrychus microphthalmus" Hoese & Kottelat, 2005
** Four-eyed sleeper, "Bostrychus sinensis" Lacepède, 1801
** Striped-cheek gudgeon, "Bostrychus strigogenys" Nichols, 1937
** Barred gudgeon, "Bostrychus zonatus" Weber, 1907
* Genus "Bunaka"
** Greenback gauvina, "Bunaka gyrinoides" (Bleeker, 1853)
** "Bunaka pinguis" Herre, 1927
* Genus "Butis"
** Olive flathead-gudgeon, "Butis amboinensis" (Bleeker, 1853)
** Duckbill sleeper, "Butis butis" (Hamilton, 1822)
** "Butis gymnopomus" (Bleeker, 1853)
** "Butis humeralis" (Valenciennes, 1837)
** Mud sleeper, "Butis koilomatodon" (Bleeker, 1849)
** Black-spotted gudgeon, "Butis melanostigma" (Bleeker, 1849)
* Genus "Calumia"
** Tailface sleeper, "Calumia godeffroyi" (Günther, 1877)
** "Calumia profunda" Larson & Hoese, 1980
* Genus "Dormitator"
** "Dormitator cubanus" Ginsburg, 1953
** Pacific fat sleeper, "Dormitator latifrons" (Richardson, 1844)
** "Dormitator lebretonis" (Steindachner, 1870)
** "Dormitator lophocephalus" Hoedeman, 1951
** Fat sleeper, "Dormitator maculatus" (Bloch, 1792)
** "Dormitator pleurops" (Boulenger, 1909)
* Genus "Eleotris"
** "Eleotris acanthopoma" Bleeker, 1853
** Large-scaled spinycheek sleeper, "Eleotris amblyopsis" (Cope, 1871)
** "Eleotris andamensis" Herre, 1939
** "Eleotris annobonensis" Blanc, Cadenat & Stauch, 1968
** Freshwater gudgeon, "Eleotris aquadulcis" Allen & Coates, 1990
** "Eleotris balia" Jordan & Seale, 1905
** "Eleotris brachyurus" Bleeker, 1849
** "Eleotris daganensis" Steindachner, 1870
** "Eleotris fasciatus" Chen, 1964
** "Eleotris feai" Thys van den Audenaerde & Tortonese, 1974
** Dusky sleeper, "Eleotris fusca" (Forster, 1801)
** Lutea sleeper, "Eleotris lutea" Day, 1876
** "Eleotris macrocephala" (Bleeker, 1857)
** "Eleotris macrolepis" (Bleeker, 1875)
** "Eleotris margaritacea" Valenciennes, 1837
** Widehead sleeper, "Eleotris mauritianus" Bennett, 1832
** Broadhead sleeper, "Eleotris melanosoma" Bleeker, 1852
** "Eleotris melanura" Bleeker, 1849
** "Eleotris oxycephala" Temminck & Schlegel, 1845
** "Eleotris pellegrini" Maugé, 1984
** Smallscaled spinycheek sleeper, "Eleotris perniger" (Cope, 1871)
** Spotted sleeper, "Eleotris picta" Kner, 1863
** Spinycheek sleeper, "Eleotris pisonis" (Gmelin, 1789)
** "Eleotris pseudacanthopomus" Bleeker, 1853
** Sandwich Island sleeper or oopu, "Eleotris sandwicensis" Vaillant & Sauvage, 1875
** "Eleotris senegalensis" Steindachner, 1870
** "Eleotris soaresi" Playfair, 1867
** "Eleotris tecta" Bussing, 1996
** "Eleotris tubularis" Heller & Snodgrass, 1903
** "Eleotris vittata" Duméril, 1861
** "Eleotris vomerodentata" Maugé, 1984
* Genus "Erotelis"
** "Erotelis armiger" Jordan & Richardson, 1895
** "Erotelis shropshirei" Hildebrand, 1938
** Emerald sleeper, "Erotelis smaragdus" Valenciennes, 1837
* Genus "Gobiomorphus"
** Tarndale bully, "Gobiomorphus alpinus" Stokell, 1962
** Striped gudgeon, "Gobiomorphus australis" (Krefft, 1864)
** Cran's bully, "Gobiomorphus basalis" (Gray, 1842)
** Upland bully, "Gobiomorphus breviceps" (Stokell, 1939)
** Common bully, "Gobiomorphus cotidianus" McDowall, 1975
** Cox's gudgeon, "Gobiomorphus coxii" (Krefft, 1864)
** Giant bully, "Gobiomorphus gobioides" (Valenciennes, 1837)
** Bluegilled bully, "Gobiomorphus hubbsi" (Stokell, 1959)
** Redfinned bully, "Gobiomorphus huttoni" (Ogilby, 1894)
* Genus "Gobiomorus"
** Bigmouth sleeper, "Gobiomorus dormitor" Lacepède, 1800
** "Gobiomorus lateralis" (Gill, 1860)
** Pacific sleeper, "Gobiomorus maculatus" (Günther, 1859)
** Finescale sleeper, "Gobiomorus polylepis" Ginsburg, 1953
* Genus "Grahamichthys"
** Graham's gudgeon, "Grahamichthys radiata" Valenciennes, 1837
* Genus "Guavina"
** Guavina, "Guavina guavina" (Valenciennes, 1837)
** "Guavina micropus" Ginsburg, 1953
* Genus "Hemieleotris"
** Pygmy sleeper, "Hemieleotris latifasciata" (Meek & Hildebrand, 1912)
** "Hemieleotris levis" Eigenmann, 1918
* Genus "Hypseleotris"
** "Hypseleotris agilis" Herre, 1927
** Golden gudgeon, "Hypseleotris aurea" (Shipway, 1950)
** "Hypseleotris bipartita" Herre, 1927
** Empire gudgeon, "Hypseleotris compressa" (Krefft, 1864)
** "Hypseleotris compressocephalus" (Chen, 1985)
** Tropical carp-gudgeon, "Hypseleotris cyprinoides" (Valenciennes, 1837)
** Golden sleeper, "Hypseleotris dayi" Smith, 1950
** Slender gudgeon, "Hypseleotris ejuncida" Hoese & Allen, 1982
** "Hypseleotris everetti" (Boulenger, 1895)
** Firetailed gudgeon, "Hypseleotris galii" (Ogilby, 1898)
** "Hypseleotris guentheri" (Bleeker, 1875)
** Barnett River gudgeon, "Hypseleotris kimberleyensis" Hoese & Allen, 1982
** Western carp gudgeon, "Hypseleotris klunzingeri" (Ogilby, 1898)
** "Hypseleotris leuciscus" (Bleeker, 1853)
** "Hypseleotris pangel" Herre, 1927
** Prince Regent gudgeon, "Hypseleotris regalis" Hoese & Allen, 1982
** "Hypseleotris tohizonae" (Steindachner, 1880)
* Genus "Incara"
** "Incara multisquamatus" Rao, 1871
* Genus "Kimberleyeleotris"
** Mitchell gudgeon, "Kimberleyeleotris hutchinsi" Hoese & Allen, 1987
** Drysdale gudgeon, "Kimberleyeleotris notata" Hoese & Allen, 1987
* Genus "Kribia"
** "Kribia kribensis" (Boulenger, 1907)
** "Kribia leonensis" (Boulenger, 1916)
** "Kribia nana" (Boulenger, 1901)
** "Kribia uellensis" (Boulenger, 1913)
* Genus "Leptophilypnus"
** "Leptophilypnus fluviatilis" Meek & Hildebrand, 1916
** "Leptophilypnus guatemalensis" Thacker & Pezold, 2006. [cite journal | journal = Copeia | volume = 2006 | issue = 3 | year = 2006 | pages = 494ff | title = Redescription of the dwarf Neotropical eleotrid genus Leptophilypnus (Teleostei: Gobioidei), including a new species and comments on Microphilypnus. | author = Thacker & Pezold | doi = 10.1643/0045-8511(2006)2006 [489:ROTDNE] 2.0.CO;2]
** "Leptophilypnus mindii" (Meek & Hildebrand, 1916)
* Genus "Microphilypnus"
** "Microphilypnus amazonicus" Myers, 1927
** "Microphilypnus macrostoma" Myers, 1927
** "Microphilypnus ternetzi" Myers, 1927
* Genus "Milyeringa"
** Blind gudgeon, "Milyeringa veritas" Whitley, 1945
* Genus "Mogurnda"
** Purple-spotted gudgeon, "Mogurnda adspersa" (Castelnau, 1878)
** "Mogurnda aiwasoensis" Allen & Renyaan, 1996
** Northern mogurnda, "Mogurnda aurifodinae" Whitley, 1938
** Banded mogurnda, "Mogurnda cingulata" Allen & Hoese, 1991
** Flinders ranges mogurnda, "Mogurnda clivicola" Allen & Jenkins, 1999
** Black mogurnda, "Mogurnda furva" Allen & Hoese, 1986
** "Mogurnda kaifayama" Allen & Jenkins, 1999
** Lake Kutubu mogurnda, "Mogurnda kutubuensis" Allen & Hoese, 1986
** Desert mogurnda, "Mogurnda larapintae" (Zietz, 1896)
** Kokoda mogurnda, "Mogurnda lineata" Allen & Hoese, 1991
** "Mogurnda maccuneae" Jenkins, Buston & Allen, 2000
** "Mogurnda magna" Allen & Renyaan, 1996
** "Mogurnda malsmithi" Allen & Jebb, 1993
** "Mogurnda mbuta" Allen & Jenkins, 1999
** Northern trout gudgeon, "Mogurnda mogurnda" (Richardson, 1844)
** "Mogurnda mosa" Jenkins, Buston & Allen, 2000
** Yellowbelly gudgeon, "Mogurnda nesolepis" (Weber, 1907)
** Kimberley mogurnda, "Mogurnda oligolepis" Allen & Jenkins, 1999
** Eastern mogurnda, "Mogurnda orientalis" Allen & Hoese, 1991
** "Mogurnda pardalis" Allen & Renyaan, 1996
** Moresby mogurnda, "Mogurnda pulchra" Horsthemke & Staeck, 1990
** Blotched mogurnda, "Mogurnda spilota" Allen & Hoese, 1986
** Dalhousie mogurnda, "Mogurnda thermophila" Allen & Jenkins, 1999
** Variegated mogurnda, "Mogurnda variegata" Nichols, 1951
** Striped mogurnda, "Mogurnda vitta" Allen & Hoese, 1986
** "Mogurnda wapoga" Allen, Jenkins & Renyaan, 1999
* Genus "Odonteleotris"
** "Odonteleotris canina" Bleeker, 1849
** "Odonteleotris macrodon" Bleeker, 1854
* Genus "Ophieleotris"
** Snakehead gudgeon, "Ophieleotris aporos" (Bleeker, 1854)
* Genus "Ophiocara"
** "Ophiocara macrolepidota" (Bloch, 1792)
** Northern mud gudgeon, "Ophiocara porocephala" (Valenciennes, 1837)
* Genus "Oxyeleotris"
** "Oxyeleotris altipinna" Allen & Renyaan, 1996
** Aru gudgeon, "Oxyeleotris aruensis" (Weber, 1911)
** "Oxyeleotris caeca" Allen, 1996
** "Oxyeleotris expatria" (Herre, 1927)
** Fimbriate gudgeon, "Oxyeleotris fimbriata" (Weber, 1907)
** Blackbanded gauvina, "Oxyeleotris herwerdenii" (Weber, 1910)
** Sentani gudgeon, "Oxyeleotris heterodon" (Weber, 1907)
** Sleepy cod, "Oxyeleotris lineolata" (Steindachner, 1867)
** Marble goby, "Oxyeleotris marmorata" (Bleeker, 1852)
** Poreless gudgeon, "Oxyeleotris nullipora" Roberts, 1978
** Fewpored gudgeon, "Oxyeleotris paucipora" Roberts, 1978
** Giant gudgeon, "Oxyeleotris selheimi" (Macleay, 1884)
** "Oxyeleotris siamensis" (Günther, 1861)
** "Oxyeleotris urophthalmoides" (Bleeker, 1853)
** "Oxyeleotris urophthalmus" (Bleeker, 1851)
** Paniai gudgeon, "Oxyeleotris wisselensis" Allen & Boeseman, 1982
* Genus "Parviparma"
** "Parviparma straminea" Herre, 1927
* Genus "Philypnodon"
** Flathead gudgeon, "Philypnodon grandiceps" (Krefft, 1864)
** "Philypnodon macrostomus" Hoese & Reader, 2006. [cite journal | journal = Memoirs of Museum Victoria | volume = 63 | issue = 1 | year = 2006 | pages = 15–19 | url = http://www.museum.vic.gov.au/memoirs/docs/63_1_Hoese_Reader.pdf | title = Description of a new species of dwarf Philypnodon (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Eleotridae) from south-eastern Australia. | author = Hoese & Reader | format = Dead link|date=May 2008]
* Genus "Philypnus"
** "Philypnus macrolepis" Wu & Ni, 1986
* Genus "Pogoneleotris"
** "Pogoneleotris heterolepis" (Günther, 1869)
* Genus "Prionobutis"
** "Prionobutis dasyrhynchus" (Günther, 1868)
** Small-eyed loter, "Prionobutis microps" (Weber, 1907)
* Genus "Ratsirakia"
** "Ratsirakia legendrei" (Pellegrin, 1919)
* Genus "Tateurndina"
** "Tateurndina ocellicauda" Nichols, 1955
* Genus "Thalasseleotris"
** Marine gudgeon, "Thalasseleotris adela" Hoese & Larson, 1987
* Genus "Typhleotris"
** "Typhleotris madagascariensis" Petit, 1933
** "Typhleotris pauliani" Arnoult, 1959


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