- Athene (MovieLOL)
Athene is a
fictional character played byBelgian Chiren Boumaâza , and stars in a popularYouTube sitcom about his life as apro-gamer . In saidsitcom , Athene is a self-declared "BestPaladin in the World" that has achieved a number one ranking in aWorld of Warcraft (Wow) arena season. Also, he provides viewers with "Pro Tips" about World of Warcraft and has reviewed a series of other online and consolevideo games . His popularity in the gaming world, especially with World of Warcraftfans , has provided "Athene" with a certain amount of international fame.Athene Series
The Athene series on YouTube is frequently amongst the "Most Viewed" videos on the site. The videos typically characters that serve as support for Athene. Among them most prominently stand Athene's fellow gamer and "boyfriend" known by his pseudonym "Furious" and Athene's believed girlfriend known as "Tania", but often called by Athene as "my bitch." Both of these characters slowly developed important roles after the first episode of the series and eventually became essential in the plot. Among other characters, Athene has also introduced his mother, brother, and sister in his videos.
Wrath of The 1337 King
Athene has starred in a low-budget movie, dubbed
Wrath Of The 1337 King , running at almost one and a half hours. The movie was posted on a website, produced and dedicated specifically to the movie, by the same name.iPower Series
The popularity of the Athene series has inspired the creators to make a
self-help series entitlediPower , which discusses controversial political and social topics, and attempts to bring it's viewers self realization and empowerment. Topics frequently addressed areNetwork Neutrality ,Fluoride in tap water,Scientology , and how to seduce women.Popular Culture
The iPower group has also worked on the
NEE political protest group, a group trying to provide an alternative for voters who are unhappy with all political parties at hand inBelgium .Athene has been on
G4TV 'sAttack of the Show , and has been written about inHet Laatste Nieuws , the biggest newspaper in Belgium, as well as inHet Nieuwsblad andDe Standaard . These three newspapers alone have a combined circulation of over 600,000.See also
NEE External links
* [http://athene.movielol.org/ MovieLOL]
* [http://www.g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/whoswhoonyoutube/64370/Whos-Who-On-YouTube-Athene.html G4TV's attack of the show]
* [http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/webscout/2008/05/youll-pardon-th.html LA Times Article on Athene]
* [http://www.standaard.be/Artikel/Detail.aspx?artikelId=DMF08052008_101 Article in De standaard]
* [http://www.hln.be/hln/nl/958/Multimedia/article/detail/269902/2008/05/08/Blowjob-Tania-scoort-wereldhit-op-YouTube.dhtml Article in Het Laatste Nieuws]
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