

Infobox Software
name = Laconica
logo =

caption =
developer = Evan Prodromou
latest_stable_release_version =
latest_release_date =
latest_beta_release_version = 0.5.0
operating_system = Cross-platform
platform = PHP
genre = Blog publishing system
license = Affero GPL
website =

Laconica is an open source microblogging tool written in PHP that implements the OpenMicroBlogging standard. Laconica was created as an open source, distributed alternative to Twitter, and was originally used by the microblogging service.


The current release of Laconica has a basic microblog feature set, and new features will likely be added rapidly.

*Updates using a Jabber or Gtalk client, and probably any other XMPP client
*OpenID authentication
*Supports Federation, which provides the ability to subscribe to notices by users on a remote service through the OpenMicroBlogging protocol
*SMS updates and notifications
*A Twitter-compatible API
*Multilingual interface (using Gettext)

Upcoming priority features:
*More Ajax-y interface
*Cross-posting to Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, etc.
*Pull messages from Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, etc.
*Facebook integration
*Image, video, and audio notices
*Automatic URL-shortening

External Links

* user [ marinamartin] hosts a blog with tips for new users at []
* The [ FAQ] explains how is different from other MicroBlogging services.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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