Asche zu Asche

Asche zu Asche

Infobox Single
Name = Asche zu Asche

Artist = Rammstein
from Album = Herzeleid
Released = January 15, 2001
Format = CD
Recorded = Polar Studios, Stockholm, 1995
Genre = Tanz-Metall
Length = 3:51
Label = Motor
Producer = Jacob Hellner and Carl-Michael Herlöffson
Last single = "Single Collection"
This single = "Asche zu Asche"
Next single = "Sonne"
"Asche zu Asche" (German for "Ashes to Ashes") is a single by the German band Rammstein, from their first studio album, Herzeleid. The single was included as a "Bonus CD" for the re-released Australian Tour Edition of Sehnsucht, and as a separate CD Single. It contains the 1995 album version of Asche zu Asche, and five live tracks taken from Live Aus Berlin. It was only released in Australia as promotion of the Big Day Out Festival '01, for which Rammstein were a headlining act. A link to this from Live Aus Berlin can be found here. []

Live story

The song is the only one from Herzeleid that wasn't played live in its demo form in the Saalfeld concert in New Year's Eve 1994-1995 [] . Its first recorded performance was in December 16th, 1995 in Freiwalde, Germany; but probably it was part of the main setlist during the entire Herzeleid tour. When played live, smoke covers the stage during the final chorus and the microphones' stands burn.It was played in most of the concerts for the Herzeleid, Sehnsucht and Mutter tours. Initially, it didn't make it into Reise, Reise tour setlist, but it was played again in May 2005, replacing "Rein, Raus" and continued in the setlists until the end of the tour. It's one of the few Rammstein songs that is shortened when played live.


# Asche zu Asche (Studio Version)
# Spiel mit mir (Live)
# Laichzeit (Live)
# Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen? (Live)
# Engel (Live)
# Asche zu Asche (Live)


Lithuanian metal band Katedra uses a similar sound to "Asche zu Asche" in their song Akmenys.
* [ Web's Boulevard - Rammstein and scientific-pop culture] ]

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