Sniper 2

Sniper 2

"Sniper 2" is an American film shot in Hungary in November 2002 and released in early 2003. The film's setting takes place just outside of Belgrade, Serbia. It stars Tom Berenger, Bokeem Woodbine, Erika Marozsán and Tamás Puskás, and was directed by Craig R. Baxley.


Former Marine Corps sniper Thomas Beckett (Berenger) is hired by the CIA to assassinate Valstoria, a man responsible for ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. Beckett is teamed up with John Cole (Woodbine), who is on death row for killing a federal officer. Beckett and Cole are dropped from a helicopter near a Roman Catholic basilica. There, they meet an underground resistance member named Sophia (Marozsán). Sophia takes them to her apartment, which is perched high above the designated area where Valstoria is due to show up, near a government building. The next day, Beckett assassinates his target, and Cole and Beckett are on the move. When they hitch a ride on a public tram, nearby soldiers stop the vehicle and try to arrest them, but the two operatives take over the tram and ram it into a police car. They escape, running through the streets. Cole is captured and put into a prison where the Serbs keep their so-called 'special enemies.'

Beckett meets Sophia, and plans to rescue Cole. With the help of Sophia's brothers, the next day they use boxed in military trucks carrying Cole and a fellow prisoner. Beckett takes a concealed shot, killing the driver and the passenger, and helping Cole and Pavel out of the truck. He is a political prisoner (Puskás). At the end, Beckett ends up killing a tracker, and Cole ends up 'taking a bullet to the chest in the name of freedom.'

The movie has been criticized for a lot of technical flaws, such as Serbs speaking Hungarian, Budapest being the capital of Serbia and similar.


* Tom Berenger as Master Gunnery Seargent
* Bokeem Woodbine
* Dan Butler
* Linden Ashby
* Erika Marozsán


*The rifle Berenger uses is the Mosin Nagant M91/30

External links

* [ cover of Sniper 2]

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