Larry Huch

Larry Huch

Larry Huch is a Pentecostal televangelist. He is as of July 1, 2008 being broadcast on the Daystar Television Network as well as Promiseland Television Network, INSP The Inspiration Network and WJYS. He also is the senior pastor at a church called New Beginnings in Dallas, Texas. Pastors Larry and Tiz Huch and DFW New Beginnings have a vision to change the world. As both a local church and world-wide ministry they've known for some time God would call them to build a church building that will accommodate the rapid growth of their multi-racial congregation and allow them to reach the multitudes across America and around the world. [Larry Huch - Biography,, July 1, 2008]


He seems to have adopted Hebrew-Christian practices. [Larry Huch - Vision, , July 2, 2008] However, his motivations are questionable, since he charges about 3 ($40) to 8 ($100) times the regular charge for a Tallit ($13), as advertised in the program broadcast July 1, 2008 and seen in their bookstore July 1, 2008. [Larry Huch, Broadcast on Daystar Network, July 1, 12:00-1:00 CET] [Larry Huch - Ministries,, July 2, 2008]


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