Siamak Hariri

Siamak Hariri

Siamak Hariri is an accomplished Canadian architect who's world renowned designs have garnered him and his firm (Hariri Pontarini Architects) a recent surge in fame. Most of his designs have won awards, including such prestigious distinctions as the Governor General's Award. He practices out of Toronto, Ontario at Davenport and Avenue (Soon to be 200 King St.) and lives in Summerhill with his family of two daughters (Lua, 3 and Yasmin, 15), his son (David, 18) and his wife, Sasha Rogers, who is an accomplished artist, herself. HPA also has a smaller branch in Santiago, Chile where a select few of his employees have moved to be closer to their latest and arguably best project The Baha'i Mother Temple of Chile.

Siamak Hariri has been in practice since 1994, sharing values about understated, responsive and quality design, and a strong sense of place and materiality in architecture. Their work has been widely published, and has received over 35 awards in recognition of its innovation, design excellence and contribution to the improvement of the urban landscape.

Siamak’s well-known projects include: Robertson House Crisis Care Centre; the Toronto offices of the international management firm McKinsey & Company; the MacLaren Art Centre in Barrie; Camera, a small cinema/bar in Toronto’s emerging Queen Street West arts district; the Schulich School of Business and Executive Learning Centre at York University; the award-winning Art Collectors’ Residence in Toronto; and the international competition-winning Bahá’í Temple for South America in Santiago Chile.

Siamak lectures locally and internationally, with recent engagements at the Architectural Institute of British Columbia; the American Institute of Architects of Indianapolis, Indiana; the ACADIA Conference at the University of Toronto, as well as conferences in Chile, Germany, and Brazil. He sits on the board of the Royal Ontario Museum's Institute of Contemporary Culture and he is an active member of the Toronto Community Foundation's Council of 100. Since 1991, he has been an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto’s School of Architecture Landscape and Design.

Currently, Siamak is the Partner-in-Charge of the Bahá’í Mother Temple for South America, University of Waterloo’s School of Pharmacy, MGD School of Medicine & UW Primary Health Care Teaching Clinic, Casey House AIDS Hospice, as well as the University of Toronto’s Department of Economics. Siamak Hariri received his undergraduate degree from the University of Waterloo in 1979 and his Masters degree in Architecture from Yale University in 1985.


*cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=How do you want the house to feel?: Hariri Pontarini's buildings win awards and hearts |url= |work=Financial Post |publisher= |date=03-AUG-06 |accessdate=2008-07-02

*cite news |first=Rob |last=Roberts |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=U of T unveils proposed law school designs |url= |work=National Post |publisher= |date= October 11, 2007, 6:25 PM|accessdate=2008-07-02
*cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title= Divine Design |url= |work=CBC Radio - Tapestry |publisher= |date=January 18, 2004 |accessdate=2008-07-02
*cite news |first=Barbara |last=Turnbull |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=A royal recovery. Princess Margaret Hospital cleared its life-threatening organizational clot in ways that have caught the world's attention |url= |work= Toronto Star |publisher= |date= Apr 13, 2007 |accessdate=2008-07-02

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