Veronica Sage

Veronica Sage

female adult bio
name=Veronica Sage
birth= August 7, 1973
location= Van Nuys, California
eye color = Brown
hair color = Brunette
ethnicity = Caucasian
alias= Cher, Cici, Jewel, Veronica Lake, Veronica, Veronica Sanders
films= 50
afdb name=Veronica_Sage

Veronica Sage (born August 7 , 1973 in Van Nuys, California, U.S.) is an American adult model and a porn star.

Before her adult industry career, Veronica was a teller at "Bank of America." Then in 1993 she performed in the film "Vagina Town", and she has appeared in about 50 adult movies and in many adult magazines since. She has been credited under several different names, including "Cher, Jewel," and "Veronica Lake". As Cher she was chosen Penthouse Pet of the Month for November 1995, on which cover she also appears.

Veronica's career in the adult entertainment industry lasted until 1998.

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