Ion Sturza

Ion Sturza

: "Not to be confused with Ioan Sturdza, the 19th century Prince of Moldavia."Ion Sturza (born 9 May 1960, Pîrjolteni, Moldavian SSR) is Moldovan politician and businessman who served as Prime Minister of Moldova between 19 February 1999 and 9 November 1999.

Born to the Sturdza family of Moldavian boyars, Ion Sturza graduated his studies in economics at the Moldova State University. [ Omul care l-a făcut miliardar pe Patriciu] , in "Evenimentul Zilei", July 1, 2008]

Sturza worked as a bank president and a business in distribution of juices and canned food in Moldova. Since 2002, he has been working for Rompetrol, the second biggest Romanian oil company, currently being its vice-president. In 2007, he initiated the biggest transaction in Romania, as KazMunaiGaz bought 75% of the shares of the company for $2.7 billion.


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