- Sierra del Merendón
Geobox Mountain Range
name = Sierra del Merendón
native_name =
other_name =
other_name1 =
image_size =
image_caption =
etymology =
country = Guatemala
country1 = Honduras
state =
state1 =
region = Zacapa, Izabal
region1 = Cortés, Santa Barbara
district =
district1 =
city =
city1 =
unit =
unit1 =
part_count =
part =
part1 =
border =
border1 =
geology =
geology1 =
period =
period1 =
orogeny =
orogeny1 =
area =
length_imperial =
length_orientation =
length_round =
width_imperial =
width_orientation =
width_round =
highest =
highest location =
highest_country = Honduras
highest_state =
highest_region =
highest_district =
highest_elevation = 2400
highest_lat_d = 14.665761
highest_lat_m = -88.981619
highest_lat_s =
highest_lat_NS =
highest_long_d =
highest_long_m =
highest_long_s =
highest_long_WE =
lowest =
lowest_location =
lowest_country =
lowest_state =
lowest_region =
lowest_district =
lowest_elevation_imperial =
lowest_lat_d =
lowest_lat_m =
lowest_lat_s =
lowest_lat_NS =
lowest_long_d =
lowest_long_m =
lowest_long_s =
lowest_long_WE =
woods =
free_name =
free_value =
map_size =
map_caption =
map_first =Sierra del Merendón is a mountain range extending on the eastern border of
Guatemala andHonduras . Its south-western border is marked by theLempa River valley, it's northern border by theMotagua River valley. The mountain range has several differentbiome s andhabitat s, includingcloud forest s.The
El Cusuco National Park (Parque Nacional El Cusuco) is located on the Honduran side and protects an area 23,440hectares of temperate forest in the Merendón mountain range. The core zone is located at an altitude of 1,800 - 2,242 m. (15° 29.8' − 15° 32.1' N, 88° 13.0' − 88° 16.3' W).Predominant forest habitats in the park arecloud forest s (1,500 - 2,242 m), semi-arid pine forests on south-facing slopes (800 - 1,500 m), wet deciduous forests on north-facing slopes (500 - 1,500 m). [cite web | url=http://www.opwall.com/Library/Honduras/Honduras%20Terrestrial/Mammals/Honduras%20mammal%20report.pdf | publisher= | title=An Initial assessment of the mammalian fauna of Parque Nacional ‘El Cusuco’ and El Paraiso Valley | author= |year=2003 | access=2008 | format=PDF]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.