- MSCI Inc.
Infobox Company
name = MSCI Barra
type =Public : nyse|MXB
foundation = 1970
location_city = flagicon|USANew York City
location_country =
location =
locations =
key_people = Henry A. Fernandez, CEO,
Michael K. Neborak, CFO,
David C. Brierwood, COO
area_served =
industry =
products =
services = stock market indices
portfolio analytics
revenue = $370 million (2007)cite web
title=2007 Annual Report]
operating_income = $129 million (2007)
net_income = $81 million (2007)
num_employees = 700 (2007)
parent =Morgan Stanley
divisions = MSCI
subsid =
slogan =
homepage = [http://www.MSCIBarra.com www.MSCIBarra.com]
dissolved =
footnotes =
intl =MSCI Inc. (nyse|MXB), trading as MSCI Barra, is a provider of equity, fixed income, and
hedge fund indices, and equity portfolio analysis tools. In 2004 Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) acquired Barra, Inc., to form MSCI Barra. The company is headquartered inNew York City , with operations inGeneva ,London ,Mumbai ,Hong Kong ,Paris ,Tokyo ,São Paulo ,Dubai ,Sydney ,Frankfurt ,Milan , Berkeley and San Francisco.Morgan Stanley is the majority shareholder of MSCI Barra, andThe Capital Group Companies is a minority shareholder.The MSCI international and global equity indices have been calculated since 1970. The company's most known indices include
MSCI World andMSCI EAFE . MSCI indices are widely used as the benchmark indices by which the performance of international equity portfolios are measured. They are also used as the basis of passive investment products likeindex fund s andexchange-traded fund s (ETFs). Morgan Stanley sponsored the firstiShares ETFs, known at launch as WEBS, which are designed to track various MSCI indices.cite book
last = Gastineau
first = Gary
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = The Exchange-Traded Funds Manual
publisher = John Wiley and Sons
date = 2002
location =
pages = 35
url = http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=CIYoyIrP6cIC&pg=PA35&vq=DIAMONDS&dq=nathan+most&source=gbs_search_s&sig=A21ufSMuOmdexYilIbqVVZs1t4o
accessdate= 2008-04-24
doi =
id =
isbn = 0471220922 ]In mid-2007, parent company Morgan Stanley announced plans to divest from, and potentially
spin-off , MSCI. [ [http://www.investmentnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070731/REG/70731007/-1/INDaily01 "Morgan to take MSCI public"—Investment News] ] This was followed by aninitial public offering of a minority of stock in November 2007. [cite web
publisher=MSCI, Inc.
External links
* http://www.MSCIBarra.com – homepage
* http://ir.msci.com – investor relations
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