Tablets of the Divine Plan

Tablets of the Divine Plan

The "Tablets of the Divine Plan" collectively refers to 14 letters (tablets) written between September, 1916 and March, 1917 by `Abdu'l-Bahá, to Bahá'ís in the United States and Canada. Included in multiple books, the first five tablets were printed in America in Star of the West - Vol. VII, No. 10, September 8, 1916, and all the tablets again after WWI in Vol. IX, No. 14, November 23, 1918, before being presented in again at the Ridván meeting of 1919. [ [ Tablets, Instructions and Words of Explanation] Revealed by Abdul Bahá Abbas (presented in talks given by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab at the eleventh Annual Maskrekol-Azkar Convention, Bahá'í Congress, And Feast of El-Rizwan, April Twenty-Sixth to April Thirteenth, Inclusive, Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen, Hotel McAlpin, New York City.]

Four of the letters were addressed to the Bahá’í community of North America and ten subsidiary ones addressed to five specific segments of that community. Of primary significance was the role of leadership given to its recipients in establishing their Cause throughout the planet by pioneering - introducing the religion into the many countries and regions and islands mentioned.

These collective letters, along with Bahá'u'lláh’s "Tablet of Carmel" and `Abdu'l-Bahá's "Will and Testament" were described by Shoghi Effendi as three of the "Charters" of the Bahá'í Faith.


*cite book
title=Tablets of the Divine Plan
publisher=Bahá'í Publishing Trust
location=Wilmette, Illinois, USA
id=ISBN 0-87743-233-3

External links

* [ Compendium on Tablets of the Divine Plan]

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