Gypsy (comics)

Gypsy (comics)


caption=Gypsy from the JLA Detroit era. Art by Tom Derenick.
real_name=Cynthia "Cindy" Reynolds
publisher=DC Comics
debut="Justice League of America Annual" #2 (1984)
creators=Gerry Conway
Chuck Patton
alliances=Birds of Prey
Justice League
The Conglomerate
powers=Illusion casting, precognition|

Gypsy (Cynthia "Cindy" Reynolds) is a fictional character, a DC Comics superheroine. She first appeared in "Justice League Annual" #2 (November 1984) and was created by Gerry Conway and Chuck Patton. She is a member of the Birds of Prey and has been a member of the Justice League.

Fictional character biography

Cindy Reynolds is born to Edward and June Reynolds, who live their life in a peaceful, suburban home. Cindy grows to adulthood, and soon after Cindy's brother is born, Edward and June begin to fight. Cindy tries to keep her parents together but mostly suffers some abuse as well. When her powers of illusion begin to manifest at age fourteen, Cindy runs away from home, buying a one-way bus ticket to Detroit.

JLA Detroit

Once in Detroit, Cindy uses her chameleon and illusion-casting powers to protect herself. As the young woman grows, she transforms into the mysterious Gypsy, adopting her vagabond style of dress. Gypsy quickly becomes a myth among the people of Cameron Street, which she calls "home". As fate would have it, this is the sector of Detroit where the Justice League would soon take up residence after Aquaman disbanded the original League. ["Justice League of America Annual" #2, 1984]

Shortly after the League moves into their new inner city HQ, Gypsy begins to daringly test and penetrate the League's security measures. Eventually, she becomes brave enough to follow along with them and to aid in the battle against the Overmaster and his Cadre. After this, Gypsy receives an offer to become a full-time member of the Justice League. ["Justice League of America" #236] Gypsy goes on to participate in the League's struggles against the power-mad Anton Allegro [Ibid #237-239] and a reactivated Amazo. [Ibid #241-243]

Cindy does indeed descend from the line of Romani peopleFact|date=April 2008more commonly known as the "Gypsies". Yet for whatever reason (perhaps a sense of mistrust bred by centuries of persecution), she tends to guard the secrets of her superhuman powers. Gypsy finds cause to test these powers to their limits when the new JLA is unexpectedly ambushed by the Royal Flush Gang during a wilderness retreat, where Gypsy improves her physical prowess. Before the villains attack, Gypsy learns evasive action in swinging her body into the air, improving her speed and agility with newly-learned acrobatics. During one of the battles, she escapes a fire by diving into the lake, rapidly swimming underwater safely to the other side, evading the flames and finding help for her wounded partners. While her teammates are incapacitated, Gypsy ventures outside her own body, in astral form. ["JLA: Classified" #22-23] In this form, she can spy on the Gang's activities. Also during this mission, she receives a dire premonition about the fates of her teammates Steel and Vibe. [Ibid #25]

This League is doomed, though. In his bid to wipe out the new JLA, Professor Ivo sends an android to destroy Gypsy, but she manages to find its conscience and convinces it not to kill her. Though Ivo succeeds in killing Vibe (as she'd foreseen), the android sees Cindy safely returned to her parents' keeping. [Cite comic | Writer = DeMatteis, J.M. | Penciller = McDonnell, Luke | Inker = Wray, Bill | Story = Homecoming! | Title = Justice League of America | Volume = | Issue = 259 | Date = February, 1987 | Publisher = DC Comics | Page = 22 | Panel = 7 | ID = ]

Gypsy's domestic happiness is short-lived, as some time after she has left the JLA, a vengeful Despero arrives at her home and remorselessly murders her parents. Gypsy would have been Despero's next victim, if not for the timely intervention of the Martian Manhunter and the rest of the Justice League. [Justice League America #38-39] Devastated by the loss of her family, Gypsy is immediately recruited by Booster Gold to become a member of the corporate-sponsored team of heroes known as the Conglomerate. ["Justice League Quarterly" #1]

Justice League Task Force

Over time, she grows very close to the Martian Manhunter, developing a sort of father/daughter relationship. The two of them are the mainstays of the short-lived Justice League Task Force. ["Justice League Task Force" #1, June 1993] During her time in the JLTF, she is nearly forced to battle Lady Shiva in one early adventure, [Ibid #4] and is left for dead on another mission. [Ibid #14] She later joins the revamped Task Force along with L-Ron (in the body of Despero), The Ray, and Triumph. [Ibid #0] Gypsy and Ray are both later mindcontrolled and used by Triumph during his strike against the reformed JLA. ["JLA" #29]

There have also been hints of a romantic relationship between Gypsy and the Bronze Tiger. [Justice League Task Force #6]

After the "JLTF" title was canceled, Gypsy and J'onn keep in touch. In fact, she is killed at one point, but is miraculously returned to life by the Manhunter, who pleads with his god, Hronmeer, to restore her life. ["Martian Manhunter" vol. 2 #12] She also aids Wonder Woman during a massive battle against Circe. ["Wonder Woman" vol. 2 #174-175]

Birds of Prey

Most recently, Gypsy joins the cast of Oracle's Birds of Prey, wearing a black leather jacket and boots on secret missions. ["Birds of Prey" #92] Oracle greatly relies on Gypsy's stealth for their undercover work and, in fact, didn't even tell her other operatives about Gypsy's involvement. She has demonstrated greater flexibility with her powers as well, now able to extend her powers of invisibility to others and things around her. [Ibid #93]

Gypsy also joins another Birdher former JLA comrade Vixento clean up the remnants of a years-old case. The two heroines rescue Stargirl when after discovering that Amos Fortune was kidnapping members of the JSA. ["JSA: Classified" #14-16]

Powers and abilities

Gypsy's primary power is that of illusion casting, which allows her to blend into her background, effectively becoming invisible. [Cite comic | Writer = DeMatteis, J.M. | Penciller = McDonnell, Luke | Inker = Wray, Bill | Story = Homecoming! | Title = Justice League of America | Volume = | Issue = 259 | Date = February, 1987 | Publisher = DC Comics | Page = 11 | Panel = 1 | ID = ] Her abilities are telepathic in nature, and hence are only effective on living beings. However, it also allows her to adapt to rapidly changing backgrounds without betraying the illusion. She can camouflage both herself and someone standing in close proximity to her. In Gypsy's first appearance, only her shadow is shown from the Bunker's monitor, and she appears to teleport at the end of the issue.

Gypsy's illusion casting can also be used to project frightening illusions into the minds of other people. These illusions usually show what the affected person fears most. This ability can affect other living things besides people, and Gypsy can use this ability in combat situations. In one issue of "Martian Manhunter", Gypsy is shown as having the ability to project an illusion over herself in order to appear as another person, but that person needs to be her approximate height and weight for it to appear authentic.

In recent issues of "Birds of Prey", it has been stated that Gypsy's powers have "hit puberty", and she can now use her chameleon powers to cloak not only herself, but a moving vehicle and its passengers. In "JLA Classified" #25, it is revealed that Gypsy also has limited precognitive abilities. She also appears to be able to project her spirit from her body.

Aside from her powers, Gypsy is an expert in hand-to-hand combat stealth. She's also an accomplished acrobat, able to leap high, run fast, swim, and execute unexpectedly quick martial arts tactics with relative ease. Gypsy also has a strong aptitude in electronics and computers, and has become skilled in the use of firearms. She has been trained by Bronze Tiger, and in issues of "Birds of Prey", Lady Shiva has offered to train her as well.

In other media

Gypsy has made many background appearances in "Justice League Unlimited", alongside her Detroit League teammates Vibe and Steel. She dresses in her original outfit. This version of Gypsy has different powers from her comic book counterpart: in her limited appearances, she displays the ability to phase through walls.

Captain Atom speaks with her in the first episode, "Initiation", when he is called up for service on the active roster (concurrently, Supergirl Kara In-Ze is in conversation with Nemesis). Gypsy's first use of powers in a superhero situation is in "Flashpoint". Gypsy is also featured in Issue 22 of the "Justice League Unlimited" comic series based on the show.


External links

* [ GypsyJLA Watchtower Profile]

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