- Fatalii
image_width = 175px
image_caption = Two ripe orange fatalii chilis, with Canadian penny for comparison
regnum =Plant ae
divisio =Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
subclassis =Asteridae
ordo =Solanales
familia =Solanaceae
genus = "Capsicum "
species = "C. chinense"
binomial = "Capsicum chinense"pepper
heat=Exceptionally Hot (SR: 125,000-325,000)The Fatalii ("Capsicum chinense") originates in central and southernAfrica . It is described to have a fruity, citrus flavor before a searing heat comparable to thehabanero . TheScoville units of a Fatalii range about 125,000 ~ 325,000 units.The plants grow 20 to 25 inches in height, and plant distance should be about the same. The pendant pods get 2.5 to 3.5 inches long and about 0.75 to 1.5 inches wide. From a pale green, they mature to a bright yellow (there are red Fataliis around as well, but the yellow one is the "real thing.") [Harald Zoschke. [http://www.fiery-foods.com/Dave/profile_fatalii.asp Pepper Profile: Fatalii] . Fiery-Foods.com.]
External links
* [http://www.fiery-foods.com/dave2/images/favorites/fatalii.jpgpic]
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