

Infobox Film
name = Played

image_size =
caption = "Played" DVD cover
director = Sean Stanek
producer = Mick Rossi
writer = Sean Stanek
Mick Rossi
narrator =
starring = George Berg
Gabriel Byrne
Adam Fogerty
Vinnie Jones
Val Kilmer
music = Danny Saber
cinematography = Michael Pavlisan
Sean Stanek
editing = Matthew Booth
Jonathan Brayley
Tom McGah
Benjamin Pollack
distributor = Lions Gate Entertainment
released = December, 2006
runtime =
country = UK
language = English
budget =
gross =
preceded_by =
followed_by =
website =
amg_id =
imdb_id = 0460902

"Played" is a crime film directed by Sean Stanek and starring, among others, Vinnie Jones, Gabriel Byrne, Val Kilmer, and Patsy Kensit. The film was released in late 2006.

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