Jiang Yuyuan

Jiang Yuyuan

Infobox Gymnast
gymnastname= Jiang Yuyuan

imagesize =
country= PRC
birthdate= November 1, 1991
birthplace= Liuzhou, Guangxi
height= convert|140|cm|ftin
level= Senior
club=National team
headcoach= Xiong Jingbin
assistcoach= Zhang Xia
music= "Lift Your Veil"

Jiang Yuyuan (also Yuyan; zh-tsp|t=江鈺源|s=江钰源|p=Jiāng Yùyuán) is a Chinese gymnast. She is the 2008 Chinese all-around senior National Champion [cite news |first=Amanda |last=Turner |title="Yang, Jiang win Chinese titles" |url=http://www.intlgymnast.com/Online-Features/reports/326.html |publisher=International Gymnast|date=2008-05-09 |accessdate=2008-07-27] and a member of the gold medal-winning People's Republic of China team for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Jiang was a member of the silver medal-winning Chinese team at the 2007 World Championships and the all-around gold medalist at the 2007 Good Luck Beijing competition.

Personal Life

Jiang Yuyuan came from a poor family in Guangxi. [http://2008.eastday.com/o/20080822/u1a3821580.html Jiang Yuyuan The New Olypmic Champion's Growing Up Story] "第一财经" Wang Wenjue, August 22 2008, "但经济压力是个不可回避的问题。一家人只有江涛有工作,而他在1996年下岗后,每月只有100多元的工资" ] Her father is a taxi driver and her mother is unemployed with no regular income. [http://xk.cn.yahoo.com/articles/080814/1/bjsv.html Olympics Champion Jiang Yuyuan: Mummy, don't go beg for food] "Yahoo News China," August 14 2008 "江钰源的父亲江涛是柳州市一名普通的出租车司机,母亲欧凤珍没有固定收入"]

Jiang has a keen interest in photography, digital gadgets, cars, fashion and cosmetics. She also likes listening to English songs.=. [http://2008.qq.com/a/20071214/000126_3.htm Little Jiang Yuayuan Target to win in 2008. Love photography and Cars] "2008.qq.com," December 12 2007 "她最喜欢摄影和汽车","我没有最喜欢听谁的歌,比较喜欢听英文歌"] [http://news.sina.com/oth/chinanews/405-105-105-108/2008-03-27/23162770141.html Star of Gymnastic Hope, Jiang Yuayuan likes magazines on digital gadgets] "China News Agency," August 22 2008] Team members Cheng Fei and Yang Yilin single out Jiang as the most beauty-conscious and trendy member in the national women team. Jiang is responsible for teaching other female members of the national team about make-up technique. [http://news.xinhuanet.com/olympics/2008-08/13/content_9247350.htm Jiang Yuayuan the girl gymnast is a trendy pixy who love reading magazines on electronics] "xinhuanet.com," August 13 2008 "有次记者采访程菲和杨伊琳的过程中,曾经问体操队谁最爱美谁最时尚,两小丫异口同声回答“江钰源”, "江钰源还承担教队友化妆的任务"] Jiang said in one of her interviews that she is sometimes "a little bit of a rebel". Her coach, Lu Shanzen, agreed that she would become rebellious occasionally and said that Jiang has the "most character" among the female gymnasts in the national team. [http://sports.sohu.com/20080913/n259545377.shtml Lu Shanzen: Cheng Fei too obedient. Jiang Yuyuan has character] "Sohu Sports," September 13 2008 "之前,江钰源在接受记者采访的时候,说自己偶尔会有点“叛逆”。陆善真听了,点点头:“没错,她偶尔就是这样,在队里,她算是比较有个性的。" "而江钰源也曾一度想过放弃,有次打电话给欧凤珍,一边哭着一边说不想练了。当时欧凤珍没有一味劝慰江钰源,而是反其道而行之,“那好吧,你妈妈没有工作,你不练的话,回来跟妈妈出去讨饭吧”。欧凤珍的这段话让记者忍俊不禁,而这句玩笑话让不到10岁的江钰源信以为真了,小钰源马上害怕了,“妈妈你不会去要饭的,我一定会好好练,你别去要饭啊,那样好没面子的。”"] Jiang's idol is her fellow gymnast, Cheng Fei. [http://sports.big5.northeast.cn/system/2008/07/08/051364171.shtml Getting close to Jiang Yuyuan: The only idol is Cheng Fei. Female all-around gold is target] "sports.dbw.cn,"July 到 2008]

At one time, Jiang could not stand the hardship of the training and wanted to quit gymnastics. Her mother told Jiang jokingly that if she quit training, she would have to go begging for food with her. This made Jiang promise to keep training as she didn't want her mother to bear the embarrassment.

At the beginning of her career at the national team, Jiang would find ways to skive during training, and the most effective way to make her train honestly was not verbal or physical punishment but deduction of her prize money. [ [http://xk.cn.yahoo.com/articles/080814/1/bjsv.html Olympics Champion Jiang Yuyuan: Mummy, don't go bet for food] "Yahoo News China, " August 14 2008 original parts "江钰源是个平时训练爱耍些小聪明,偷些小懒的队员,江涛告诉记者,要让江钰源认真训练的办法只有一个,不是口头言语上的批评,也不是身体上的体罚,而是威胁她扣钱。“其他办法都不管用的,只要教练说你不好好训练就扣你奖金,她就老实了。”"] Her coach at the Zhejiang Provincial Team also commented that while Jiang was a fast learner, she was well-known for her laziness. [http://news.jsinfo.net/tiyu/2007/12/451819.shtml The gymnastic star: happy and clever Jiang Yuyuan] "新华网," December 11 2007 "聪明的江钰源也有另一面,她是队里出了名的“小懒虫”"] When Jiang was five, she fell from the Balance Beam when she saw her parents watching her from the grandstand at a junior gymnastics competition. After that, she never let her parents watch her compete.

Gymnastics career

Li Ning's cousin was Jiang's neighbour when she was little. After noticing that the little Jiang Yuyuan was very energetic for a little kid, he suggested Jiang's parents to take her to gymnastic lessons. And her parents took his suggestion and enrolled Jiang in gymnastic classes before she was four. [http://my.tv.cctv.com/?uid-474263-action-viewspace-itemid-298410 Little gymnast Jiang Yuyuan started gymnastics because Li Ning was her neighbour] "CCTV.com," August 15 2008 "李宁的表哥和江家是邻居,因为看小钰源每天上上下下十分好动,就建议江涛送女儿去练体操。"] She was once selected by the Guangxi Provincial Team to participate in a three-month training camp but her parents received a call from the Provincial Team asking them to bring Jiang home less than two months after the training began. Her coach at that time insisted that Jiang has talent and persuade Jiang's parents to leave Jiang under her care and she would train Jiang personally. But it would be an dead end for a gymnast's career in China if one could not join the Provincial Team, so when opportunity came, Jiang was transferred from Guangxi to join the Zhejiang Provincial Team.

In the 2002 Provincial Gymnastics Championship, Jiang won the all-around title for the Zhejiang Provincial Team, and that made the coaches of the National Team to take notice of her. Jiang then joined the National Training Camp in 2003. But the Training Camp was forced to disband due to the outbreak of the disease, SARS. Jiang joined the National Team 2 in 2004, and was selected from a list of 300 hopefuls of Team 2 to join the National Team 1 in 2006. [http://2008.sohu.com/20080813/n258808453.shtml Jiang Yuyuan have been away from hometown. All-around title is the new target] "2008.sohu.com," August 13 2008 "2003年,江钰源首次进入国家集训队,但是因为当年非典盛行,最后集训被迫解散。2004年,她进入国家二队;2006年,她又在300多人的国家二队大名单中脱颖而出,进入国家一队。"]

She made her senior international debut in 2007. She was a member of the Chinese team that won the silver medal in the team competition at the 2007 World Gymnastics Championships, and placed 4th on floor exercise in the individual event finals. In November 2007 she won the all-around at the Good Luck Beijing Olympic Test Event. [cite news |title="Jiang, Chinese Men Win Olympic Test Event" |url=http://www.intlgymnast.com/Online-Features/reports/244.html |publisher=International Gymnast|date=2007-11-29 |accessdate=2008-07-27]

At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Jiang helped the Chinese team to win the team gold medal at the Olympics. Individually, she came in 6th in the all-around due to a fall on vault; and finished in 4th place in the floor exercise event final.cite web|url=http://www.nbcolympics.com/gymnastics/resultsandschedules/rsc=GAW001101/index.html|title=Floor event final scores|publisher=NBC Olympics|date=2008-08-17|accessdate=2008-08-17] Jiang competed at the Olympics with an elbow injury, specifically periosteum inflammationfact|date=September 2008. Her coach disclosed that the injury greatly affected her performance at the Olympics, particularly on vault, where pain prevented her from successfully executing her 2.5-twisting Yurchenko, which was crucial for her success in the individual all-around final. As a result of the injury, Chinese coach Lu Shanzen also decided to pull Jiang from the vault rotation in the team finals, replacing her with Deng Linlin 20 minutes before the competition began.

Jiang serves as the assistant captain of the Chinese team. At the National Training Center, her responsibilities include looking after younger gymnasts at the dormitory.cite news |title=Profile of Jiang Yuyuan |url=http://www.nbcolympics.com/athletes/athlete=686/bio/index.html|publisher=NBC Olympics|date=2008-08-08 |accessdate=2008-09-16] Jiang and her teammate, Deng Linlin, appear in the official Olympics documentary 筑梦2008("Dream Weavers 2008") which premiered at the China Film Archive in July 2008. [cite web|url=http://english.cri.cn/4026/2008/07/09/1361s378707.htm |title=Dream Weaver|publisher=CriEnglish.com|date=July 9, 2008|accessdate=2008-08-25] [ [http://gb.news.sina.com/m/c/2008-07-08/15212092798.shtml 奥运准官方电影《筑梦2008》:洩露官方机密?] sina.com July 6, 2008]

Age dispute

Jiang's 2006 issued passport lists her date of birth as November 1, 1991. Her Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique and Olympic Games profile reflects this.fig|id=9499|name=Jiang Yuyan] [ [http://2008teamchina.olympic.cn/index.php/personview/personsen/2727 Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Chinese Sports Delegation Roster] ] In July 08, the "New York Times" uncovered online documents containing information which contradicts the stated date of birth of a few of the Chinese gymnasts. A competitors' list from the Zhejiang Province sports administration website indicated Jiang's date of birth as October 1, 1993. cite news |first=Juliet |last=Macur |title=Records Suggest Chinese Gymnasts May Be Under Age |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/27/sports/olympics/27gymnasts.html?hp |publisher=The New York Times |date=2008-07-27 |accessdate=2008-07-27] . If true, it would make her too young to compete at the 2007 Worlds and 2008 Olympics. The FIG stated that they considered the passports already supplied by Chinese officials to be sufficient, and would not ask for additional information to verify Jiang's age. The IOC also refused to intervene, stating that the FIG's own verification system would be acceptable proof of eligibility.cite news |first=Nancy |last=Armour |title=More questions about Chinese gymnasts' ages|url=http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/wire?section=gymnastics&id=3517143|publisher=Associated Press |date=2008-08-02 |accessdate=2008-09-02] [cite web|url=http://www.latimes.com/sports/printedition/la-sp-olygymchina10-2008aug10,0,3941558.story|title=More age monitoring for women's gymnastics|publisher="Los Angeles Times"|author=Pucin, Diane|date=2002-08-10|accessdate=2008-08-16] Renewed interest in the controversy in August led to the IOC ordering an investigation into the purported age discrepancies of the Chinese team.cite web|url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/olympics/article4583174.ece|title=International Olympic Committee launches probe into He Kexin's age|author=Tim Reid, Jeremy Griffin and Jane Macartney|publisher=The Times|date=2008-08-22|accessdate=2008-08-22] Jiang's coach, Lu Shanzhen, said the parents of the team were indignant over the allegations. [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26337759/, 4th paragraph from end]

On October 1, the FIG concluded their investigation stating that "the age of the Chinese team is well documented and proven". Originals of passports, identity cards and family registers were said to "confirm the ages of the athletes" [ [http://www.fig-gymnastics.com/vsite/vcontent/content/transnews/0,10869,5187-187975-19728-44545-290073-17968-5233-layout187-205197-news-item,00.html Query regarding age of Chinese gymnasts] ] and concluded that Jiang and her teammates from the 2008 Olympic games were old enough to compete.


Vault: 2.5-twisting Yurchenko

Competitive Highlights


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