- Vulgaria
About Vulgaria
Vulgaria is a scenic, mountainous region similar to early
Austria andSwitzerland . It is a remote and secluded country that will never be found on any map of the world or globe. Its national colours are purple and white, and its national animal is a black eagle. Vulgaria's exact location in Europe is not known but it must be on the coastline, as when we first get to seeBaron Bomburst and his servants, they are on the baronialyacht , attempting to steal the car. The national language appears to be a form of English, with slight touches ofAustrian , Swedish and German included. The Baron and Baroness refer to each other as "Liebchen", and the words "Fraulien" and "Adieu", are mentioned.It is a
barony ruled by the horrible Bomburst couple, theBaron Bomburst and theBaroness Bomburst . They reside in their vast castle with thousands of servants and courtiers, all of whom are as cruel as they are, and rule through fear and intimidation; although deep down they are childish, flamboyant and can also be considered stupid. The national symbols of Vulgaria are the Eagle and the flag which is a horizontal tricolor of black,white, and purple. after World War I Vulgaria was absorbed by Switzerland.The Story
As beautiful and ideal as Vulgaria seems at first, no children can be found playing in its streets and the citizens are a distant, aloof nation of people. When Caractacus Potts and Truly Scrumptious arrive in the country with the twins Jeremy and Jemima, they are puzzled as to why the grim-faced, desolate townspeople are horrified to see the children. Potts remarks upon this and Truly whispers to him that there is not a single child in sight.
Suddenly a fanfare sounds and the terrified citzens flee to their homes and lock themselves in. A friendly toymaker (
Benny Hill ) takes the family in and hides them. He explains that the children are in grave danger, as the land is ruled over by the cruel rulers,Baron Bomburst , ruler of Vulgaria alongsideBaroness Bomburst . This cruel, merciless couple hate children and have them captured and murdered by the inhumanChild Catcher , although a handful of the children of Vulgaria are in hiding in the sewers beneath the streets. The citizens of Vulgaria live in constant fear of their rulers and are terrified out of their lives.Eventually, the Potts family encourage the people to rebel and the evil Bomburst couple are overthrown and exiled. Children are freed and the country's peace and happiness is at last restored.
Neuschwanstein Castle was used to portray the Baron's castle in the film. (see photo).Notes
* Another country named 'Vulgaria' is found in the
Three Stooges short filmDutiful But Dumb . The Vulgarians shoot foreign photographers as spies; the Stooges are sent by a magazine to take pictures.
* "Vulgaria" has crept into the common lexicon when it refers to a neighborhood whose smaller single-family homes have been demolished and replaced with over-sized, ostentatious, architectural behemoths commonly referred to as "McMansion s".
* Vulgaria may have been of German heritage, as when Truly and Caractacus are acting as toys, the audience applauds and the German word "wunderbar" is said by some.
* In the Finnish science-fiction spoof "" the Vulcans of the originalStar Trek franchise are parodied as "Vulgarians" ("Vulgaarit" in the Finnish original).
* In the current stage Musical the two Vulgarian spies had the following dialogue:::Gordon: But can't I be Vulgar [A Vulgarian] AND be English?::Boris: No! Then you would be American!
*In the Musical, Vulgaria seems to be adictatorship . In the film it is, strictly, merely the feudal estates attaching to the incumbent barony, Baron Bomburst. A baron is one of the lower ranks ofnobility . However, the extent and nature of the Baron's authority, the apparent deference of his subjects to his whims, and the size and population of the estate comprising Vulgaria tends to indicate that it far more akin to aduchy , or even aGrand Duchy .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.