

Al-mustaʾmīn (Arabic: المستأمين) is an Islamic classification for a non-Muslim foreigner that enters Muslim lands for less than a year[1] and is legally protected by the Muslim authority. This would include merchants, messengers, and students and other groups that could be given an amaan, or pledge of security. Musta'min are not required to pay jizya unlike dhimmis who live in Muslim lands permanently. If a musta'min intends to stay for more than a year, he or she must accept the status of dhimmi and pay the jizya.[1]

Legal rights

Once given amaan, which can be granted by any sane and mature Muslim[2], the musta'min are free to engage in trade and travel. They are allowed to bring their family and children. They have permission to visit any city in Muslim territory except the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. A musta'min man is allowed to marry a dhimmi woman and take her back to his homeland; however, musta'min women do not have the same right.[3] The musta'min are subject to civil and criminal law in the territory[2] and may not do or say anything that could be construed as harming the interests of Islam[4]. If caught doing so, the musta'min could be expelled or executed and the amaan grantor could also be penalized[4].


  1. ^ a b Khadduri p. 163
  2. ^ a b Yakoob, Mir p. 109
  3. ^ Yakoob, Mir p. 166
  4. ^ a b Khadduri p. 168


  • Khadduri, Majid (1955). "Foreigners in Muslim Territory: Ḥarbīs and Mustaʼmīns". War and Peace in the Law of Islam. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. ISBN 1584776951. 
  • Yakoob, Nadia; Aimen Mir (2004). "A Contextual Approach to Improving Asylum Law and Practices in the Middle East". In Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Barbara Freyer Stowasser. Islamic Law and the Challenges of Modernity. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press. ISBN 0759106711. 

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