San Antonio, Paraguay

San Antonio, Paraguay

Infobox Settlement
official_name = San Antonio
native_name =


mapsize =200px
subdivision_type = Country
subdivision_name = Paraguay
subdivision_type1 = Department
subdivision_name1 = Central
leader_title = Intendente Municipal
leader_name = Odulio Espinoza
established_title = Founded
established_date = 1903
area_total_km2 =
area_footnotes =
population_as_of = 2008
population_total =38.933
population_density_km2 = 15
timezone = -4 Gmt
utc_offset =
timezone_DST =
utc_offset_DST =
latd=25 |latm=22 |lats=47 |latNS=S
longd=57|longm= 36|longs=35 |longEW=W
elevation_m =
postal_code_type = Postal code
postal_code = 2650
area_code = (595) (21)
website =

San Antonio is a young city of Paraguay, located in the Central Department. Its importance comes from way back, since during the colonial times it was located on the side of the Royal Way, which lead to the city of Villeta, today it has a great industrial growth.


For some historians, the creation of this community happened during the mandate of the Dr Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia (1814-1840), who established a fortress to defend the Paraguayan territory. Others said that the foundation was around 1679; and it is known for sure that in 1782 the Franciscan Missionaries founded in this place a reduction - Indian town-with donations of the neighbors of Asuncion.

San Antonio was important in the Guerra de la Triple Alianza since we know that the Brazilian troops arrived in its ports, to go to the historical battle of Ytororo, next to the border of the stream with the same name.

San Antonio was founded by the German citizen Gustavo Conrado Gotees, in the year of 1890, who after his death was buried in the local cemetery. Afterwards San Antonio was empty and then in the year of 1903 the paraguayan citizen Agustin Quiñónez moved there, and promoted the re population of the city; from then on there was a second foundation. Then a few families of French, Italian, German and Spanish origins came to settle. After the location of these families in the city, the population grew a lot.

The first industry that was established in the city was the .meat factory San Antonio, from an American company “ International Corporation Product” IPC, it constitutes the main source of work of the population in San Antonio and other towns in the area. By law issued on May 30, 1917, a slaughter –house for cattle, pork and goats, with facilities to prepare and conserve in cold with modern procedures. In the first year this company exported 73.443 boxes of conserved meat and two refrigerated ships were bought, the Paraguay and the Ytororo. At the beginning they have a villa for the employees. 1.400 workers used to live there, they had public bathrooms and a community laundry.A siren sounded daily at 2 am for about 20 miutes so that the workers get ready and begin to work at 3 :00 o`clock.

They also had a recreational center for the employees “ the tennis club”, special scenario for the social activities. In the 60´s many soccer teams from the capital were concentrated there, such as Cerro Porteño, Guarani, Sol de America,Libertad and Sportivo Luqueño.

In 1978 the company was closed. Years later, was bought by an industry Don Alberto Antebi, and the production activities re started on January 12th, 1981 with modern equipments in accordance with the demands of the international markets, Israel being one of the main customers.

The city had a hotel where they had a movie theatre and all the facilities of the time. In 1926 the first port was open to export fruit. The place was named Puerto Naranja, due to the advantage of the large plantation of the fruit.

Between the years 1960 and 1965 the port Puerto Minera was open for exploitation of stones which were brought from the Cerro Ñemby, for the pavement of Puerto Pilcomayo.


San Antonio is located on the Paraguay River, latitude 25 38 and longitude 57 63 and in the south center 25 km from the capital, Asuncion.In the north has limit with the districts of Ñemby and Villa Elisa, in the south with Ypane, in the east with Ñemby and in the west with the Paraguay River.


On March 16, 1981, San Antonio was ascended to the category of city, being its first mayor Mr Francisco Bogado Caballero (h)On April 21 1903, the Senate and the Congress issued the law to put the community of San Antonio to the category of District.


Its coast on the Paraguayan River, has many streams, one of the most important ones the Arroyo Guazu, is located in the Mbocayaty neighborhood.Besides, the city on the coast of the stream Ytororo, whose coasts were witness of the Battle of Ytororo in the War of the Triple Alliance.Ycua San Antonio, this stream has many stories; there is a legend saying that men who were interested in the San Antonio ladies, who came to drink from this stream, were enchanted and the reation ended in marriage.

Water animals

Because it`s located on the coast of the Paraguayan River, one of its most important activities is the fishing, because the river has many different types of fish, among those we can mention: dorado, pacu, tres puntos, corvina, piraña, palometa, anguila de rio, armado, surubí.


In the city we can see a great variety of trees such as the tajy o lapacho, trébol, pino, eucalipto, cedro, laurel, palmera.The most important forest reservation is the zone ofl Parque Ytororó.


The influence of the river on the weather , makes the nights and early mornings fresh, and the days very hot. It has a temperature between 25 and 36 degrees in summer, and in winter between 8 and 12 degrees.


More than 50% of the population is between 15 and 45 years.


Nowadays they have 17 neighborhoods: San Francisco, Mbocayaty, Pueblo, San Blas, Ma. Auxiliadora, Naranjaty, Antigua Imagen, San Jorge, Acosta Ñu, Achucarro, Cerrito, San Agustín, Amanecer, Las Garzas, La Merced, Cerrito, and Achucarro.


It has important public educational centres as well as private ones; the national schools amount to 11 and the private ones 10, which are dedicated to elementary teaching. It also has 3 national high-schools and 2 private ones.


It has a Health Center, founded in 1978 by Higinio Mendoza and Luis Medina. Around 15 deliveries per month are made, the clinical cases are scarce even though between 35 and 40 patients are seen per week and the emergency service during 24 hs.The Instituto de Previción Social I.P.S has a periphery one in this city.


There are many industries in this young city. We can mention the production of alcohol and tanning.Also some communication companies are located in this city, both cellular and radial communication companies.

port Clubs and Other organizations

It has many sport clubs which are members of the Regional League of Paraguay; Club Porvenir, Club Ytororó, Club Coronel Romero, Club 1er de Marzo, Club Unión.It has a Fire Squad, volunteers, belonging to the 13th company; the first ones who swore were on December 14 ,2002. The group of the Boys Scouts also has its site there since 1999The security of the population is in the hands of the National Police of the Prescint 24.

Means of communication

It has 2 community radios:: Radios San Pablo FM, San Antonio FM.It has a post office and telecommunications.


The main party celebration of San Antonio is in June. It is very picturesque because it takes place on the beach on the Paraguayan River. It is celebrated with many flowers, colorful balloons and other elements of ornaments in the streets. In the morning, there is a mass, then the Nautical procession, with canoes and other boats very well ornamented, with the patron image of San Antonio.

They also have the Expo San Antonio, where they show all the artisan work of its inhabitants and the products of the different companies. This exposition also gives the students a space to sow different products and works made in their schools, in all different areas such as sciences, chemistry, and workshops such as mechanics, electricity, carpentry and metal work. ( iron work )


* Departamento de Cultura de la Municipalidad de San Antonio.
* EVP - Wikipedia
* [ Enciclopedia Virtual Paraguaya - Portal]

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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