

Name = Entropion

Caption =
DiseasesDB = 29643
ICD10 = ICD10|H|02|0|h|00, ICD10|Q|10|2|q|10
ICD9 = ICD9|374.0
MedlinePlus = 001008
eMedicineSubj = oph
eMedicineTopic = 212
MeshID = D004774

Entropion is a medical condition in which the eyelids fold inward. It is very uncomfortable, as the eyelashes rub against the cornea constantly. Entropion is usually caused by genetic factors and may be congenital. Trachoma infection may cause scarring of the inner eyelid, which may cause entropion.


Symptoms of entropion include:
* Redness and pain around the eye
* Sensitivity to light and wind
* Sagging skin around the eye
* Excessive tearing
* Decreased vision, especially if the cornea is damaged


Treatment is a simple surgery in which excess skin of the outer lids is removed. Prognosis is excellent if surgery is performed before the cornea is damaged.



Entropion in dogs

Entropion has been documented in most dog breeds, although there are some breeds (particularly purebreds) that are more commonly affected than others. These include the Akita, Pug, Chow Chow, Shar Pei, St. Bernard, Cocker Spaniel, Boxer, Springer Spaniel, Labrador Retriever, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Neapolitan Mastiff, Bull Mastiff, Great Dane, Irish Setter, Rottweiler, Poodlecite book|author=Gelatt, Kirk N. (ed.)|title=Veterinary Ophthalmology|edition=3rd ed.|publisher=Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins|year=1999|id=ISBN 0-683-30076-8] and particularly Bloodhound. [http://www.bigpawsonly.com/Bloodhound-Dog-breed.htm Bloodhound Health Concerns] ] The condition is usually present by six months of age. Entropion can also occur secondary to pain in the eye, scarring of the eyelid, or nerve damage. The upper or lower eyelid can be involved, and one or both eyes may be affected. When entropion occurs in both eyes, this is known as "bilateral entropion."

Upper lid entropion involves the eyelashes rubbing on the eye, but the lower lid usually has no eyelashes, so hair rubs on the eye. Surgical correction is used in more severe cases. A strip of skin and orbicularis oculi muscle are removed parallel to the affected portion of the lid and then the skin is sutured. Shar Peis, who often are affected as young as two or three weeks old, respond well to temporary eyelid tacking. The entropion is often corrected after three to four weeks, and the sutures are removed.

ee also

*List of eye diseases and disorders


External links

* http://www.kellogg.umich.edu/patientcare/conditions/entropion.html
* http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001008.htm
* http://www.upei.ca/~cidd/Diseases/ocular%20disorders/entropion.htm

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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