

Courbu is the name of three different, but related varieties of wine grapes primarily found in South West France. All are Vitis vinifera grapes. The name Courbu, without suffix, can refer to both Petit Courbu and Courbu Blanc, and not all sources differ between the two.


Petit Courbu

Petit Courbu is a white wine grape from Gascony with a long history in the region.[1] It adds body and contributes aromas of citrus and honey to the wines.[2] It is found in Pacherenc du Vic-Bilh AOC and other appellations of the region.

It is known under the synonyms Courbu and Courbu Petit.[3]

Courbu Blanc

Courbu Blanc is found primarily in the Basque areas, such as Irouléguy AOC.[4] It is similar to Petit Courbu, but has darker young leaves.

It is known under the synonyms Bordeleza Zuria, Chacoli Zuria, Cougnet, Courbeau, Courbi Blanc, Courbies, Courbis, Courbu, Courbu Gros, Courbut, Courbut Blanc, Courtoisie, Ondaria Zuria and Vieux Pacherenc.[5]

Courbu Noir

Courbu Noir is a speciality of Béarn, but is now almost extinct.[4]

It is known under the synonyms Courbu Rouge and Dolceolo.[6]

Other grapes

Courbu Rouge, which can refer to Courbu Noir, is also a synonym of Manseng Noir.[7]


  1. ^ Jancis Robinson, ed (2006). "Petit Courbu". Oxford Companion to Wine (Third Edition ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 514. ISBN 0-19-860990-6. 
  2. ^ Oz Clarke Encyclopedia of Grapes pg 129 Harcourt Books 2001 ISBN 0-15-100714-4
  3. ^ Vitis International Variety Catalogue: Courbu Petit, accessed on June 26, 2008
  4. ^ a b Jancis Robinson, ed (2006). "Courbu". Oxford Companion to Wine (Third Edition ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 208. ISBN 0-19-860990-6. 
  5. ^ Vitis International Variety Catalogue: Courbu Blanc, accessed on June 26, 2008
  6. ^ Vitis International Variety Catalogue: Courbu Noir, accessed on June 26, 2008
  7. ^ Vitis International Variety Catalogue: Manseng Noir, accessed on June 26, 2008

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