- Tarski's axioms
Tarski's axioms, due to
Alfred Tarski , are an axiom set for the substantial fragment ofEuclidean geometry , called "elementary," that is formulable infirst-order logic with identity, and requiring noset theory . Other modern axiomizations of Euclidean geometry are those by Hilbert and George Birkhoff.The axioms
Alfred Tarski worked on the axiomatization and metamathematics ofEuclidean geometry intermittently from 1926 until his 1983 death, with Tarski (1959) heralding his mature interest in the subject. The work of Tarski and his students on Euclidean geometry culminated in the monograph Schwabhäuser, Szmielew, and Tarski (1983), which set out the 10axiom s and oneaxiom schema shown below, the associatedmetamathematics , and a fair bit of the subject. Gupta (1965) made important contributions, and Tarski and Givant (1999) discuss the history.Fundamental relations
These axioms are a more elegant version of a set Tarski devised in the 1920s as part of his investigation of the metamathematical properties of Euclidean
plane geometry . This objective required reformulating that geometry as a first-order theory. Tarski did so by positing a universe of points, with lower case letters denoting variables ranging over that universe. He then posited two primitive relations:
* "Betweeness", atriadic relation . Theatomic sentence "Bxyz" denotes that "y" is "between" "x" and "z", i.e., that "x", "y", and "z" are collinear with "y" "between" them;
* "Congruence" (or "equidistance"), a tetradic relation. Let "xy" denote theline segment whose endpoints are "x" and "y". Theatomic sentence "wx" ≡ "yz" has two intuitive meanings:
** "wx" is congruent to "yz";
** Thedistance from "w" to "x" equals the distance from "y" to "z".Betweenness captures the affine aspect of Euclidean geometry; congruence, its metric aspect. The background logic includes identity, abinary relation . The axioms invoke identity (or its negation) on five occasions.The axioms below are grouped by the types of relation they invoke, then sorted, first by the number of existential quantifiers, then by the number of atomic sentences. The axioms should be read as
univeral closure s; hence anyfree variable s should be taken as tacitly universally quantified.Congruence axioms
Reflexivity of Congruence:: The distance from "x" to "y" is the same as that from "y" to "x". This axiom asserts a property very similar tosymmetry forbinary relation s.; Identity of Congruence:: If "xy" is congruent with a segment that begins and ends at the same point, "x" and "y" are the same point. This is closely related to the notion of
reflexivity forbinary relation s.;
Transitivity of Congruence:: Two line segments both congruent to a third segment are congruent to each other; all three segments have the same length. This axiom asserts that congruence is Euclidean, in that it respects the first of Euclid's "common notions." Hence this axiom could have been named "Congruence is Euclidean." The transitivity of congruence is an easy consequence of this axiom and Reflexivity.Betweenness axioms
; Identity of Betweenness: It is not possible for a point to be "between" a point; points are indivisible.
Axiom of Pasch : Draw line segments connecting any two vertices of a giventriangle with the sides opposite the vertices. These two line segments must then intersect at some point inside the triangle.;
Axiom schema of ContinuityLet φ("x") and ψ("y") be first-order formulae containing no free instances of either "a" or "b". Let there also be no free instances of "x" in ψ("y") or of "y" in φ("x"). Then all instances of the following schema are axioms:: Let "r" be a ray with endpoint "a". Let the first order formulae φ and ψ define subsets "X" and "Y" of "r", such that every point in "Y" is to the right of every point of "X" (with respect to "a"). Then there exists a point "b" in "r" lying between "X" and "Y".; Lower
Dimension : In short, there exist three noncollinear points, and any model of these axioms must havedimension > 1.Congruence and betweenness
; Upper
Dimension : Three points equidistant from two distinct points form a line. Hence any model of these axioms must havedimension < 3.; Axiom of EuclidEach of the three variants of this axiom, all equivalent to Euclid's
parallel postulate , has an advantage over the others:
* A dispenses withexistential quantifier s;
* B has the fewest variables andatomic sentence s;
* C requires but one primitive notion, betweenness. This variant is the usual one given in the literature.: A: Let a line segment join the midpoint of two sides of a given
triangle . That line segment will be half as long as the third side. This is equivalent to theinterior angle s of any triangle summing to tworight angles .: B: Given any
triangle , there exists acircle that includes all of its vertices.: C: Given any
angle and any point "v" in its interior, there exists a line segment including "v", with an endpoint on each side of the angle.; Five Segment:Begin with two
triangle s, "xuz" and "x'u'z'." Draw the line segments "yu" and "y'u'," connecting a vertex of each triangle to a point on the side opposite to the vertex. The result is two divided triangles, each made up of five segments. If four segments of one triangle are eachcongruent to a segment in the other triangle, then the fifth segments in both triangles must be congruent.; Segment Construction: Given any two line segments, the second can be "extended" by a line segment
congruent to the first.Discussion
Starting from two primitive
relations whose fields are adense universe of points, Tarski built a geometry ofline segment s. According to Tarski and Givant (1999: 192-93), none of the aboveaxiom s is fundamentally new. The first four axioms establish some elementary properties of the two primitive relations. For instance, Reflexivity and Transitivity of Congruence establish that congruence is anequivalence relation over line segments. The Identity of Congruence and of Betweenness govern the trivial case when thoserelation s are applied to nondistinct points. The theorem "xy"≡"zz" ↔ "x"="y" ↔ "Bxyx" extends these Identity axioms.A number of other properties of Betweenness are derivable as theorems including:
*Reflexivity : "Bxxy" ;
*Symmetry : "Bxyz" → "Bzyx" ;
*Transitivity : ("Bxyw" ∧ "Byzw") → "Bxyz" ;
*Connectivity : ("Bxyw" ∧ "Bxzw") → ("Bxyz" ∨ "Bxzy").The last two properties totally order the points making up a line segment.Upper and Lower Dimension together require that any model of these axioms have a specific finite
dimension ality. Suitable changes in these axioms yield axiom sets forEuclidean geometry fordimension s 0, 1, and greater than 2 (Tarski and Givant 1999: Axioms 8(1), 8(n), 9(0), 9(1), 9(n) ). Note thatsolid geometry requires no new axioms, unlike the case withHilbert's axioms . Moreover, Lower Dimension for "n" dimensions is simply the negation of Upper Dimension for "n" - 1 dimensions.When dimension > 1, Betweenness can be defined in terms of
congruence (Tarski and Givant, 1999). First define the relation "≤" in terms of Congruence::In the case of two dimensions, the intuition is as follows. For all points "v" on the perpendicular bisector of "zu", there is a point "w" on the perpendicular bisector of "xy" such that "yw" is congruent to "vu".Betweenness can than be defined as:The Axiom Schema of Continuity assures that the ordering of points on a line is complete (with respect to first-order definable properties). The Axioms of Pasch and Euclid are well known. Remarkably, Euclidean geometry requires but two more axioms:
* "Segment Construction". This axiom makesmeasurement and theCartesian coordinate system possible—simply assign the value of 1 to some arbitrary line segment;
* "Five Segments". This bears on thecongruence oftriangle s.Let "wff" stand for a
well-formed formula (or syntactically correct formula) of elementary geometry. Tarski and Givant (1999: 175) proved that elementary geometry is:
*Consistent: There is no wff such that it and its negation are both theorems;
*Complete: Every wff or its negation is a theorem provable from the axioms;
*Decidable: There exists analgorithm that assigns atruth value to every wff. This follows from Tarski's:
**Decision procedure for thereal closed field , which he found byquantifier elimination ;
**Axioms admitting of a (multi-dimensional) faithful interpretation as areal closed field .Gupta (1965) proved the above axioms independent, "Pasch" and "Reflexivity of Congruence" excepted.Negating the Axiom of Euclid yields
hyperbolic geometry , while eliminating it outright yieldsabsolute geometry . Full (as opposed to elementary) Euclidean geometry requires giving up a first order axiomatization: replace φ("x") and ψ("y") in the axiom schema of Continuity with "x" ∈ "A" and "y" ∈ "B", where "A" and "B" are universally quantified variables ranging over sets of points.Comparison with Hilbert
Hilbert's axioms for plane geometry number 14, and include Transitivity of Congruence and a variant of the Axiom of Pasch. The only notion from intuitive geometry invoked in the remarks to Tarski's axioms istriangle . (Versions B and C of the Axiom of Euclid refer to '"circle" and "angle," respectively.) Hilbert's axioms also require "ray," "angle," and the notion of a triangle "including" an angle. In addition to betweenness and congruence, Hilbert's axioms require a primitivebinary relation "on," linking a point and a line. TheAxiom schema of Continuity plays a role similar to Hilbert's two axioms of Continuity. This schema is indispensable; Euclidean geometry in Tarski's (or equivalent) language cannot be finitely axiomatized as a first-order theory. Hilbert's axioms do not constitute a first-order theory because his continuity axioms requiresecond-order logic .References
*Gupta, H. N., 1965. "Contributions to the Axiomatic Foundations of Geometry". Ph.D. thesis, University of California-Berkeley.
*Alfred Tarski , 1959, '"What is Elementary Geometry?" inLeon Henkin , Patrick Suppes, and Tarski, A., eds., "The Axiomatic Method, with Special Reference to Geometry and Physics". North Holland.
*------, and Givant, Steven, 1999, "Tarski's system of geometry," "Bulletin of Symbolic Logic" 5: 175-214. [http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/tarski99tarskis.html]
*Schwabhäuser, W., Szmielew, W., andAlfred Tarski , 1983. "Metamathematische Methoden in der Geometrie". Springer-Verlag.
*Szczerba, L. W., 1986, "Tarski and Geometry," "Journal of Symbolic Logic" 51: 907-12.
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