- Kunawaritji
Is a location on the
Canning Stock Route near "Well 33", and also the eastern end ofWapet Road in thePilbara region ofWestern Australia .The name has variant spellings - it is also can be found as Kunnawarritji.
It is an Aboriginal community location [ [http://www.wapc.wa.gov.au/Initiatives/Planning+for+Aboriginal+communities/CLP+maps/1101.aspx Kunawarritji (Well 33) ] ] which has fuel and supplies in the lower southern part of the
Great Sandy Desert , or the western part of theGibson Desert .It is in the Martu Determined Native title Area and in the larger area also known as the
Western Desert (Australia) Most online sources regarding this isolated community are either four wheel drive or canning stock route tour oriented websites or blogs concerned with the strategic location of fuel supplies [ [http://users.picknowl.com.au/~gazer//canning/ Hisco's Canning Stock Route Resources ] ]
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