- Lead hydrogen arsenate
Lead hydrogen arsenate, also called lead arsenate, acid lead arsenate or LA, chemical formula PbHAsO4, is an inorganic
insecticide used primarily against thepotato beetle .Chemistry
It is usually produced using the following reaction:
Pb(NO3)2("aq") +H3AsO4("aq") --> PbHAsO4("s") +2HNO3("aq")
Lead arsenate was the most extensively used
arsenic al insecticide [ Peryea F.J. 1998. Historical use of lead arsenate insecticides, resulting in soil contamination and implications for soil remediation. Proceedings, 16th World Congress of Soil Science, Montpellier, France. 20-26. Aug. Available online: http://soils.tfrec.wsu.edu/leadhistory.htm] According to the preceding reference, two (2) principal formulations of lead arsenate were marketed; basic lead arsenate (Pb5OH(AsO4)3, CASN: 1327-31-7) and acid lead arsenate (PbHAsO4, CASN: 7784-40-9). As an insecticide, it was first used against thegypsy moth inMassachusetts , as a less soluble and less toxic alternative to then-usedParis Green . It also adhered better to the surface of the plants, further enhancing and prolonging its insecticidal effect.Until 1930s-1940s, lead arsenate was frequently prepared by farmers at home, by reacting soluble
lead salts withsodium arsenate .Lead arsenate was widely used in
Australia ,Canada ,New Zealand ,USA ,England ,France ,North Africa , and many other areas, principally against thecodling moth . It was used mainly onapple s, but also on other fruit trees, garden crops, turfgrasses, and againstmosquito es. In combination withammonium sulfate , it was used in southernCalifornia as a winter treatment on lawns to killcrab grass seed.Basic lead arsenate, Pb5OH(AsO4)3, was used in some areas of California.
The search for a substitute was commenced in 1919, when it was found that its residues remain in the products despite washing their surfaces. Alternatives were found to be less effective or more toxic to plants and animals, until 1947 when
DDT was found. The use of lead arsenate in the USA continued until mid 1960's. It was officially banned as an insecticide on August 1, 1988.ee also
Paris Green
*Calcium arsenate References
* Sunset Western Garden Book, First Edition, 1954
External links
* [http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/HEC/CSEM/arsenic Case Studies in Environmental Medicine - Arsenic Toxicity]
* [http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/HEC/CSEM/lead/ Case Studies in Environmental Medicine - Lead Toxicity]
* [http://www.npi.gov.au/database/substance-info/profiles/50.html National Pollutant Inventory - Lead and Lead Compounds Fact Sheet]
* [http://soils.tfrec.wsu.edu/leadhistory.htm Lead arsenate history]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.