Amy Burkhard Evans

Amy Burkhard Evans

infobox actor
occupation=Television, music director, actress

Amy Burkhard Evans is an American actress and musical director. She has worked on "Days of Our Lives", as a musical director for two episodes, in 1999 and 2007, and as an actress playing minor character Amy from 1989–1990.

Awards and nominations

*Won, 1990, Outstanding Achievement in Music Direction and Composition for a Drama Series for: "Days of Our Lives" (shared with Marty Davich and Ken Corday)
*Won, 1997, Outstanding Music Direction and Composition for a Drama Series for: "Days of Our Lives" (shared with Ken Corday, Brent Nelson, Dominic Messinger, Cory Lerios, John D'Andrea, and Stephen Reinhardt)
*Nominated, 2006, Outstanding Achievement in Music Direction and Composition for a Drama Series for: "Days of Our Lives" (shared with Stephen Reinhardt, Ken Corday, and Brent Nelson)
*Nominated, 2007, Outstanding Achievement in Music Direction and Composition for a Drama Series for: "Days of Our Lives" (shared with Stephen Reinhardt, Ken Corday, and D. Brent Nelson)

External links

*IMDB name|1892403|Amy Burkhard Evans
* []
* []

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