- Vapnagård
Vapnagård is a large housing project in
Helsingør ,Denmark . Approx. 4000 people live in the 57 concrete blocks. 67% of the inhabitans are native-danes, 25% are immigrants or danes with immigrant parents from none-western countries and 8% are immigrants fromwestern countries . Each block has either 3 or 4 floors. North to Vapnagård is "Nøjsomhed" also a major housing project inHelsingør . Of a population of approx. 1000 inhabitans in "Nøjsomhed", approx. 600 are immigrants.South of Vapnagård is also a housing project "Borupgård".Source
* [http://www.vapnet.dk/]
* [http://www.social.dk/netpublikationer/2006/p10alm2311/html/full_publication.htm#Section5.13]
* [http://vbn.aau.dk/research/vapnagaard_som_genstand_for_forskning(10043720)/]
* [http://psp.drk.dk/sw34764.asp]
* [http://www.sogbolig.dk/AfdOpl.asp?landsdelnr=200&bynr=230&sel=124&afd=83&vis=hel]
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