Chinese bellflower

Chinese bellflower

name = Chinese bellflower

image_width = 300px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Asterales
familia = Campanulaceae
genus = "Platycodon"
species = "P. grandiflorus"
binomial = "Platycodon grandiflorus"
binomial_authority = (Jacq.) A.DC.

"Platycodon grandiflorus" is a species of perennial flowering plant of the family Campanulaceae and the only member of the genus "Platycodon". These species are commonly referred to as platycodon, Chinese bellflower, sometimes also Japanese bellflower, common balloon flower, or simply balloon flower. It is native to East Asia (China, East Siberia, Japan, and Korea) and bears big blue flowers, although varieties with white and pink flowers are in cultivation. In Korea, white flowers are more common.

The root of this species ("radix platycodi") is used extensively in Asia as an anti-inflammatory in the treatment of coughs and colds. In Korea the plant is known as "doraji" (도라지) and its root, either dried or fresh, is a popular ingredient in salads and traditional herbal cooking. However, Chinese bellflower and Korean bellflower are different. Chinese bellflower (called 桔梗 in Chinese) is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

The plant is also a popular garden ornamental. It is hardy to USDA plant hardiness zone 3 and requires little care.


*Rumiko Takahashi named her character Kikyo (桔梗,, "Kikyou") from her manga Inuyasha after the flower.
*Kikyou (aka Reverse Sia) from the Shuffle! series is named after this flower, but her name is written in katakana rather then the actual kanji.
*Byakuya Kuchiki from the anime Bleach enjoys this flower.
*in Korea, white Chinese bellflowers have a folk song named after them.
*in Japan, the pentagram is sometimes called the "Bellflower seal", and the flower was the symbol of the Onmyoryo (Bureau of Taoist Geomancy), because of its associations with Abe no Seimei and the Five Chinese Elements.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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