- Francesco Camporesi
Francesco Camporesi (1747 [His tomb, however, states year of birth 1754.] ,
Bologna - 1831,Moscow ) was an Italian architect, painter, engraver and educator who worked inMoscow in 1780s-1820s. Most of his architectural work perished in the Fire of 1812, was severely altered, demolished or otherwise lost.Biography
Camporesi arrived in Russia in 1780s, probably as an assistant to
Giacomo Quarenghi . Extent of his architectural work in 18th century remains disputed, and he is better known as a fine vedutist who documented Moscow prior to the devastating Fire of 1812.For a decade (1784-1796) Camporesi worked under Quarenghi and
Karl Blank on the Catherine's Palace in Moscow, where he was employed both as an architect and aplasterer craftsman. Eventually, he developed into a "generalist architect": capable of independently managing construction projects, Camporesi was regularly employed by private clients - for his design talents as well as business capabilities. His input toNikolai Sheremetev 'sOstankino Palace , for example, included interior design, architectural drafts of palace expansion, and also budget schedules and hiring craftsmen.A. Потькалова. К вопросу о деятельности архитектора Франческо Кампорези (1747 – 1831) в Москве. 1999 [http://www.archi.ru/publications/virtual/potkalova.htm] ]Works by the architect are best preserved in the vicinity of
Yakhroma , in former estates ofApraksin andSheremetev families. Camporesi also left a significant legacy of unbuilt architectural drafts (preserved at theMoscow Museum of Architecture ), including an unusual large octagonal structure codenamed "Moscow House". Contemporary studies fail to explain the purpose of this elaborate project; probably, it's octagonal plan was a homage toSaint Michael's Castle , commissioned by one of emperor Paul's statesmen and discarded after Paul's death.P]In 1810s-1820s Camporesi was employed by the Commission of
Moscow Kremlin ; in addition to restoration of Kremlin buildings he coached students of the Kremlin school of architecture, most notablyDomenico Giliardi andAfanasy Grigoriev .Extant architectural works
Undisputed works:
* Main hall and master plan of count Apraksin Olgovo estate, nearYakhroma , 1790-sAttributed with more or less certainty:
* Theater hall ofOstankino Palace
* Church ofThe Protection of the Mother of God in countessOrlov a Andreevskoe estate near Yakhroma, 1803-1821 [cite web |url=http://www.dmitrovhram.ru/hramy-i-cerkvi/andreevskoe.html |title=Dmitrov board of Russian Orthodox church, official site |accessdate=2008-06-24 |work= |date= ]
* Church ofAscension of Jesus in count Apraksin Peremilovo estate, near Yakhroma, 1792-1801
* Lobanov-Rostovsky house at 43, Myasnitskaya Street, MoscowSources
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.