Julia Scher

Julia Scher

Julia Scher (b. 1954, Hollywood) is an American artist who works who works primarily with themes of surveillance. She uses a variety of mediums and is most known for her installation art and performance art works. Her work addresses issues of control and seduction. [Medien Kuntz Netz: [http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/artist/scher/biography/ Julia Scher bio] ]


Since 1988, Scher has produced a series of installations called "Security by Julia". [Andrea Rosen Gallery: [http://www.andrearosengallery.com/exhibitions/2002_9_julia-scher/ Press Release] ] These have taken different forms but often involve a person wearing a security uniform and an invitation to the viewer to actively participate in surveillance culture. [Michael Rush: [http://www.nicht-wegsehen.de/ira_schneider/presse02.html Before 'Reality TV' There Was Reality Video] , New York Times, January 21, 2001] Other variations of the installations have included soothing voices and baby blankets. [Ken Johnson [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9803EFD61130F933A1575AC0A9649C8B63 Julia Scher -- 'Security by Julia XLV: Security Landscapes'] , New York Times, September 20, 2002]

External links

* [http://www.andrearosengallery.com/artists/julia-scher/ Andrea Rosen Gallery]
* [http://adaweb.com/project/secure/corridor/sec1.html Artist's website]


* Brian Wallis, Andrew Hultkrans, Avital Ronell, and Bill Horrigan (2002). "Always There", Lukas & Sternberg Publishers
* Scher, Julia (2002). "Tell Me When You're Ready", Works 1990-1995, PFM publishers, introduction by Anna Indych


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