


title = Rubí
country = Mexico
year = May 17, 2004 - October 22, 2004
network = Televisa
language = Spanish
director = Benjamin Cann
producer = José Alberto Castro
cinematographer = Alejandro Frutos
writer = Yolanda Vargas Dulché (Original Story) -(Rubí-1968)
script = Ximena Suarez and Virginia Quintana
cast = Bárbara Mori, Eduardo Santamarina, Jacqueline Bracamontes, Sebastián Rulli
music = Álvaro Trespalacios and Rodolfo Pérez Briceño
theme_song = La Descarada | performer = Reyli
episodes = 115 + the Special Episode after Finale (see below)

"Rubí" ("Ruby") is a Mexican telenovela that aired on Televisa in 2004. The plot is based on the story by Yolanda Vargas Dulché and the telenovela that aired in 1968 with Fanny Cano.

Rubí was a huge success in many countries. Apart from the United States and Latin America, the telenovela garnered high ratings in the Philippines, Malaysia, Israel, Eastern Europe, among many others, and made Bárbara Mori, the lead actress, and both Eduardo Santamarina and Sebastián Rulli major stars in Latin America.


Rubí is a beautiful, young woman from a working-class background. She is studying at a university because of her sister's great efforts. Rubí is best friends with Maribel, a wealthy young woman with a small defect in her leg, which prevents her from having a normal social life. Rubí eventually meets Maribel's boyfriend Héctor and his best friend Alejandro. A much darker truth lies inside of Rubí. She is driven by a dark ambition that will stop at nothing to get what she wants, and what she wants is to escape from poverty and be wealthy.

Alejandro offers her true love but no luxuries due to his middle class. She rejects him despite the fact that she believes he is her true love. Rubí then seduces Héctor, because like Maribel he is very wealthy, and on the day of his wedding to Maribel, they run away leaving Maribel in the deepest and darkest hour of her life. Rubí finally has the lifestyle and money that she's always dreamed of, but she soon learns that money isn't everything.

She begins to miss Alejandro and decides to get him back at any cost even when Maribel and Alejandro have moved on, and even begin dating each other. Rubí will do anything to get what she wants, even if it's at the expense of others and even if it means hurting everyone in her path. At one point Rubí considers changing, but returns to being the bad girl. Even after a fortune teller tells her to change or she will be punished for her sins, Rubí doesn't give this much thought and goes on with her life. Alejandro soon is torn between Rubí and Maribel; he & Rubí even made love once where Rubí became pregnant. However, Rubí soon lost the baby due to her saving her niece Fernanda, the daughter of his sister Christina from a being hit by a car. Rubí tells Alejandro that she lost the baby but by fault of Héctor.

During her attempt to get Alejandro back, Héctor eventually finds out everything about Rubí & that the baby wasn't his. As he tries to expose Rubí, he is accidentally killed in a car crash. In his will testament, he leaves everything to Rubí, much to the dismay of his family since he didn't consider changing his will as soon as he can. Eventually Alejandro find outs the truth of how she lost the baby.

Finally Alejandro pays her a visit one more time to tell her that its over. Its finished and that he has chosen Maribel. After all her schemes, lies, and backstabbing Rubí begs him to not go. At this point she sheds her dignity and any pride that she has left. She gets on her knees and wraps her hands around his leg and begs him to not go. He's her true love and she refuses to let him go. Alejandro is sick and tired of her evil ways. He leaves and walks down the stairs. As Rubí follows him, she screams that she will never let him go while holding on to a balcony rail but then slips and falls several stories. At the hospital they have to amputate her leg to save her life.

Rubí doesn't die and even at her most desperate point she doesn't repent. Her sister Christina tries to encourage her and tells her that she can lead a new life, just differently. Everything Rubí had is gone. The corporation stocks that he left her with are gone, as well as any money that Héctor left her. She is completely behind on her rent and she is hated in her community. The accident even scarred her face & her beauty is gone. She cannot afford plastic surgery.

Rubí even alienates her best friend Loreto, who has always been by her side and stood by her, even towards the end when he discovered how evil she really was. She asks the fortune teller to visit her one more time, and he tells her that it's the result of all her actions, and this is her punishment. She has a hard time accepting the truth. She wants to be like she was before, beautiful and alluring, but everything she ever had is gone. She doesn't repent and is without shame, and she tries to make a desperate attempt to kill Alejandro at his wedding to Maribel, but she can't. He's her true love and she will always love him. She tries to aim for Maribel but Christina moves in the way as she is Maribel's maid of honor.

Eventually she sees her niece Fernanda then Rubí starts to advise Fernanda (then a child about 4 years old) on how she can destroy men and get what she wants through using her beauty & help Fernanda get what she wants. After some years Fernanda grows up, with a striking resemblance to Rubí, and when she's at the university, she meets a boy who has a store. Fernanda introduces herself as Rubí and the boy seemily falls in love with her. Later she visits her aunt Rubí, who tells Fernanda that Alejandro has returned & how can she get Alejandro and his son to both fall in love with Fernanda & drive them both to hate each other. Some hours later Fernanda goes to the hospital and sees Alejandro. Alejandro, thinking she is Rubí, is shocked to see her. She then greets him, winks at the camera, closes the door, & then starts to kiss; "fin...?"

The alternate ending is that Fernanda, saying she's Rubí, gets Alejandro and his son to fall in love with her so she can get revenge for her aunt.


One of the most successful telenovelas in 2004/2005. In the Latin American awards, "Premios: TV y Novelas 2005," Rubí took the major awards. The soap won the awards for best soap opera, best female protagonist (Barbara Mori), best male protagonist (Eduardo Santamarina), best overall actress (Ana Martin), best theme music ("La Descarada" by Reyli), and best scene direction.

Main cast

* Bárbara Mori .... Rubí Pérez de Ferrer/Fernanda Rivera Pérez ....Main Heroine-Villain / aunt&niece
*Eduardo Santamarina... Alejandro Cárdenas Ruíz ....Main Hero / Rubí's love of her life
*Jacqueline Bracamontes... Maribel De La Fuente - best friend of Rubí, girlfriend of Héctor
*Sebastián Rulli... Héctor Ferrer Garza - best friend of Alejandro, boyfriend of Maribel - (R.I.P)
*Ana Martín .... Refugio Ochoa viuda de Pérez - Rubí's mother - (R.I.P)
* Yadhira Carrillo .... Elena Navarro - Héctor's lover
* Marlene Favela .... Sonia Chavarría González - Yago's lover/later Alejandro's wife - (R.I.P)
*Paty Díaz .... Cristina Pérez Ochoa - Rubí's sister
* Josefina Echánove .... Pancha Muñoz -Maribel's nana
* Antonio Medellín .... Ignacio Cárdenas - Alejandro's father
* Ana Bertha Espín .... Elisa de Duarte - Héctor's god mother
* Olivia Bucio .... Carla de Cárdenas -Alejandro's mother
* Luis Gatica .... Cayetano Martínez - christina's husband - (R.I.P)
* Leonorilda Ochoa .... Dolores Herrera Guzmán'Doña Lola' - Rubí's biggest nosy neighbor
* Roberto Vander .... Arturo De La Fuente - Maribel's father
* Ofelia Cano .... Victoria Gallegos
* Miguel Pizarro .... Loreto Echagüe - Rubí's gay friend, accomplice, designer,
* Arlette Pacheco .... Lilia López de Duarte - Genaro's other wife
* Ingrid Martz .... Lorena Treviño - Rubí's school Friend
* Jan .... Marco Rivera - alejandro's doctor friend/Later Christina's husband
* José Elías Moreno .... Genaro Duarte - Héctor's godfather
* Manuel Landeta .... Lucío Montemayor - Rubí's second lover - (R.I.P)
* Sergio Goyri .... Yago Píetrasanta - Rubí's first lover - (R.I.P)
* Dolores Salomón .... Mariquita (as Dolores Salomón 'Bodokito') - Rubí's nosey neighbor
* Tania Vázquez .... Sofía Cárdenas Ruiz - Alejandro's sister
* Sergio Argueta .... Francisco 'Paco' Gómez Gallegos - Rubí's schoolmate/has a crush on Rubí
* Eduardo Rodríguez .... Saúl Mendez - Schoolmate of Rubí's/goes out with Lorena then Ingrid
* Carlos Cámara .... Dr. José Luis Bermúdez - Alejandro's evil co-worker
* Adriana Roel .... Hilda Mendez - Gernado's co- worker/ knows his secret
* Lorena Velázquez .... Mary Chavarría - Sonia's aunt
* Mariana Rountree .... Ingrid Mendoza - Rubí's school enemy
* José Antonio Ferral .... Garduño
* Gerardo Albarrán .... Gabriel Almanza
* Marco Méndez .... Luis Duarte López - Schoolmate of Rubí's / is with Alejandro's sister
* Nicole Vale .... Natalia 'Naty' Duarte López - Genaro's daughter/ Luis's little sister
* Claudia Benedetti .... Lupe
* Lilia Aragón .... Nora Navarro - Elena's mother
* María Fernanda García .... Valeria
* Roberto Sen .... David Treviño
* Sergio Zaldívar .... Gazcón - yago & lucio's right hand man
* Manuel Foyo .... Ernesto Bermúdez - Dr. José Luis Bermúdez's son - (R.I.P)
* Raúl Valerio .... Doctor Mosques - Alejandro's co-worker
* Sergio Jurado .... Lic. Millán
* Stephen Clark .... Howard Williams - Héctor's boss
* Amelia Zapata .... Celia Fuentes
* Karen Sandoval .... Naty Duarte López (II) - Older version of Luis's sister
* Manuel 'Flaco' Ibáñez .... Onésimo Segundo - Dolores's husband
* Kristel Casteele .... Fernanda Martínez Pérez (child)- Christna's and Cayetano's daughter(Rubí's niece)
* Nikole Warambo .... Doctor ardina


ABS-CBN was inspired to buy the franchiseto make Philippine remake

External links

* [ "Rubí"] on Novelahitz
* [ Complete Rubí Summeries] on Novelahitz
* [ Official site] on Televisa.
* [ "Rubí"] on IMDB.
* [ ""]

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