Samira Bitar

Samira Bitar

Samira Bitar, born February 21, 1990, is a Bahraini swimmer. She was one of the first Muslim women from a country of the Arabian Peninsula to compete in swimming in the Olympic Games, when she swam for Bahrain in the 50 metre freestyle at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens The "New York Times" reported incorrectly that Bitar was "Bahrain's first female Olympic swimmer" [ [ "SUMMER 2004 GAMES; Tradition Was a Dreamer's Big Obstacle"] , "New York Times", August 21, 2004] ; in fact, Fatema Gerashi had represented Bahrain in swimming at the Sydney Olympics four years earlier. [ [ "Trio of try-hards splash their way into our hearts"] , "The Times", September 22, 2000]

Bitar completed the 50m race with a personal best of 31.00 seconds, enough to win her heat but not enough to advance to the next round. [ [ "SUMMER 2004 GAMES; Tradition Was a Dreamer's Big Obstacle"] , "New York Times", August 21, 2004] [ [ "Women's 50m freestyle results"] , BBC, August 12, 2004]

She represented Bahrain again at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing [ [ "Bahrain gear up for Games"] , "Gulf Daily News", August 1, 2008] and won her heat in the 50 metre freestyle event. Her time of 30:32 was well ahead of second-runner Gloria Koussihouede's 37:09 for Benin, but nonetheless insufficient to advance to the next round. [ [ "Two down, two to go as swimmers fail in Beijing"] , "The New Times", August 16, 2008]

External link

* [ Biography] on the official website of the Beijing Olympics


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