Beretta M12

Beretta M12

Infobox Weapon
name=Berretta Model 12

caption=A Beretta M12 (without magazine) in the hands of a U.S. Marine
type=Submachine gun
used_by=See "Users"
wars=Vietnam War, Afghan War, Iraq War
manufacturer=Beretta, Taurus, Defence Industries Corporation, MAS, PT Pindad
variants=M12S, M12S2
weight=Metal stock: kg to lb|3.0|sp=us|abbr=on|precision=2|wiki=yes (M12) convert|3.2|kg|abbr=on (M12S) convert|3.480|kg|abbr=on (M12S2) Wood stock: convert|3.4|kg|abbr=on (M12) convert|3.6|kg|abbr=on (M12S)
length=Fixed stock: mm to in|660|abbr=on|precision=1|wiki=yes Folding stock: convert|645|mm|abbr=on|1 stock extended convert|418|mm|abbr=on|1 stock folded
cartridge=9x19mm Parabellum
rate=550 rounds/min
velocity=convert|420|m/s|0|lk=on|sp=us|abbr=on (variable with ammunition)
range=100 to 200 m sight adjustments
feed=20, 32, 40-round detachable box magazine
sights=Two-position flip rear aperture, shrouded front post convert|285|mm|abbr=on|1 sight radius

Beretta Model 12 is a 9x19mm Parabellum caliber submachine gun. It is the official submachine gun of the Italian Army. It was introduced in 1959.

The Beretta Model 12 was officially adopted by the Italian government in 1961. It is also the official submachine gun of some South American and African countries. It is made under license in Brazil by Taurus and Indonesia by PT Pindad.


In the 1950's, Pietro Beretta Spa., Italy, developed the first Beretta submachine gun prototypes, models 6-11. Model 12 was the final production model, and was soon followed by the M12S with differences in the safety and other mechanics.

Design details

The Model 12 weighs 3.48 kilograms empty (about 3.820 kg loaded) and is 660 millimeters in length with stock extended (418 mm when retracted). Its short length is achieved by use of a barrel recessed into the bolt head, known as a telescoping bolt. This reduces length without reducing barrel length or bolt weight. [cite book |title= Military Small Arms of the 20th Century|last=Hogg |first= Ian|authorlink=Ian V. Hogg |coauthors= Weeks, John|year=2000 |publisher=Krause Publications |location= Iola, Wisconson|isbn= 0-87341-824-7|pages=139 |url= ] It fires from an open bolt and has a cyclic rate of fire of 550 shots per minute. Its muzzle velocity is 380 meters per second. It is accurate to 200/300 meters.

The barrel and rifling are chromium-plated to prevent fouling. The bolt housing has grooves to allow bolt movement, even in extremely adverse conditions such as exposure to mud, dust, or sand. [cite book |title= Assault Pistols, Rifles, and Submachine Guns|last=Long |first=Duncan |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= 1986|publisher= Paladin Press|location= Boulder, Colorado|isbn=0-87364-353-4 |pages= 17|url= ] The exterior surfaces of the firearm are finished with epoxy resin coating for protection against corrosion and damage.

The weapon has a selective-fire option allowing a choice of single shot or fully automatic fire.

The weapon has 3 safeties: a manual safety which blocks the trigger; an automatic safety on the rear grip which immobilizes the trigger and blocks the bolt in a closed position; and a safety on the cocking handle locking the bolt in case it does not retract sufficiently.

The weapon is provided with a front sight (adjustable for elevation and windage) and a rear sight with a 2-position flip aperture (up to 100 m and up to 200 m).

The gun is equipped with a side folding stock, but is also seen rarely with a fixed stock.

20, 30, and 40-round box magazines were available for the original Model 12, which was chambered for the 9 mm Parabellum cartridge.


The Model 12 was redesigned as the Beretta Model 12s in 1978 and was styled as "the Ultimate Submachine Gun" when released. The Model 12s uses a 32-round box magazine, and is chambered for the 9 mm x 19 NATO cartridge. It utilizes the blowback principle, and is capable of either semi- or full-automatic fire. A novel feature is the grip safety, which locks the trigger and the bolt in the closed position, thus safeguarding against accidental firing if the grip is not held firmly or if the gun is dropped. The safety and fire-selector switch, which in the original Model 12 were two separate push-pin button (with the fire-selector being a button that activated single-fire or burst fire whether it was pushed on the right side or the left side) have been re-engineered in a modern lever-type selector with three positions (S for "Sicura" or Safety, 1 for Single-fire, R for "Raffica" or Burst fire). The fixed firing pin on the face of the bolt can strike the primer only when the cartridge is chambered fully, and this also avoids accidental firing, according to its designers.

The PM12S was also designed with easy field-stripping and reassembly in mind, which has been simplified and can be accomplished without tools. It can be equipped with a suppressor, but this requires a slight modification of the barrel by a competent gunsmith.

Minus the suppressor and other optional features, the Beretta PM12S is made up of 84 discrete components.

The current version of the Beretta Model 12, called the PM12-S2, spawned from the adoption of the PM12S by the French Gendarmerie Nationale, to be assembled under license at the MAS armaments factory in Saint-Etienne from Italian-made parts. The Gendarmerie asked for a modification, in the form of a further safety device, which allowed both to keep the bolt of the weapon in half-cocked position and acted as an interceptor preventing accidental fire should the bolt or the firing pin suddenly disengage. The so-modified Model 12s were known in French service as the PM12-SD with SD standing for "Demi-arme", or "Half-cock". In the mid-1990s, this modification was implemented in all the Model 12 sub-machineguns manufactured by Beretta as a standard factory feature, and the denomination of the sub-machine gun changed to PM12-S2; this is the only Model 12 variant currently manufactured by Beretta.


*: Made under license by Taurus as the MT-12, a direct copy of the M12 [ Taurus MT-12.] Retrieved on September 21, 2008.] . The M12-A was made with improvements including a spring-loaded cover on the ejection port, a new spring-loaded stock-folding system to permit single-handed operation, and an enlarged grip safety [ Taurus MT-12.] Retrieved on September 21, 2008.] . The M12-AD was made with a disconnector in the trigger mechanism which fixed the problem of involving unwanted two-round or three-round bursts when the selector was set for semi-automatic [ Taurus MT-12.] Retrieved on September 21, 2008.] .
*: Made under license by MAS.
*: Made under license by PT Pindad as the PM1 [ [ World Infantry Weapons: Indonesia.] Retrieved on September 21, 2008.] and the PM1-A1 Jagawana [ [ PINDAD PM1-A1.] Retrieved on September 21, 2008.] .
*: Under license by Defence Industries Corporation as the NS-1.


ee also

*List of Italian submachine guns

External links

* [ Gun's World]
* [ Modern Firearms]
*YouTube|bhgY-d4Hl9k|Video of operation ja icon

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