- G. Thomson
G. Thomson (
1760 – November1806 ) was an Englishgeologist . He died inPalermo at the early age of 46 yearsGian Battista Vai, W. Glen E. Caldwell. "The origins of geology in Italy". Geological Society of America, 2006, ISBN 0813724112 [http://books.google.it/books?id=rmrGS9s-KewC&pg=PA184&dq=%22Biblioth%C3%A8que+Britannique%22+thomson&sig=ZXbXj71Nt1i5rVbfazzBGUrLftE#PPA184,M1] ] .Name
His name is indicated only with "G." because the full name is unknown [ [http://books.google.it/books?lr=&as_brr=0&id=HKAsAAAAMAAJ&dq=%22thomson%22+Widmanst%C3%A4tten&q=thomson+(first&pgis=1#search] F. Manheim, F. A. Paneth. "The discovery and earliest reproductions of the Widmanstatten figures". Geoscience Abstracts, American Geological Institute (1959), pg.17] . In several secondary sources he is called "William Thomson" or "William Thompson", and sometimes is even confused with Lord Kelvin (1824-1907). However in his own work published on "Atti dell'Accademia Delle Scienze di Siena" and on the article of Paneth he is indicated as "G. Thomson". On some other sources is also called "W. G. Thomson" [ [http://books.google.it/books?lr=&as_brr=0&id=-WBWAAAAMAAJ&dq=%22thomson%22+Widmanst%C3%A4tten&q=Widmanstatten+thomson&pgis=1#search] "The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute", 1861] .
Discovery of Widmanstätten pattern
Thomson at the time was living in
Naples . One day he decided to treat withnitric acid a Krasnojarskmeteorite with the purpose of cleaning it fromrust . Shortly after the contact with acid he noticed on the surface of the metal a strange never seen before figures: it was the later-calledWidmanstätten pattern .In
1804 he published his discovery in french on the "Bibliothèque Britannique"F. A. Paneth. "The discovery and earliest reproductions of the Widmanstatten figures". Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1960, 18, pp.176-182] . In 1808 his work was published post-mortem also in italian language (translated from the original english manuscript) on "Atti dell'Accademia Delle Scienze di Siena" [http://books.google.it/books?id=mv8EAAAAQAAJ&q=%22Saggio+di+G.Thomson+sul+ferro%22&dq=%22Saggio+di+G.Thomson+sul+ferro%22&pgis=1] G.Thomson. "Saggio di G.Thomson sul ferro Malleabile trovato da Pallas in Siberia". Atti dell'Accademia Delle Scienze di Siena, 1808, IX, pg.37] .The discovery is commonly credited to
Count Alois von Beckh Widmanstätten probably due the early death of Thomson and the lack of an english publication. The discovery of Widmanstätten was independent, but it dates1808 and it lacks publication.So the full credit of the discovery should be assigned to G. Thomson due chronological priority. For this reason, several authors suggested to call the pattern also "Thomson structure"John G. Burke. "Cosmic Debris: Meteorites in History". University of California Press, 1986. ISBN 0520056515] [O. Richard Norton. "The Cambridge encyclopedia of meteorites". Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002. ISBN 0521621437.] .Notes
See also
Widmanstätten pattern
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