

Verostonos (or Vernostonus) was a god in ancient Celtic polytheism, worshipped in Roman Britain.His name links him to alder-trees. Altar-stones raised to him have been recovered in the United Kingdom, such as that at Ebchester in County Durham (RIB 1102, "DEO VERNOSTONO COCIDIO VIRILIS GER V S L"). [] His association with Cocidius in that inscription suggests that he may have been linked with, or an of, that more widely attested war god.


Vernostonos may be derived from the Proto-Celtic "*Werno-stonos" meaning 'the Groaning of Alder-trunks ' (cf. [] [] [] ).


*British Museum, London, England.
*Lancaster museum, Lancaster, England.
*Newcastle Museum of Antiquities, Newcastle, England.
*Penrith Museum, Penrith, England.
*Verovicium Roman Museum, Housesteads Fort, Northumberland, England.
*York Castle Museum, York, England.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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